DCypherPup Mod Applications 2025
Hello, thank-you for taking interest in applying to become a moderator for DCypherPup. Our community is filled with Horror, and Dead by Daylight Fanatics, Furries, LGBTQIA+ and individuals who just enjoy watching DCypherPup's content. 

To help us find out if you're perfect for this position, we've provided a few questionnaires to help us understand a bit more about you. 

Upon a decision you will be messaged if you were successful and if you aren't, don't worry there is always more positions available at a later date when I move to the UK.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your Twitch Username? *
Which Wave Would You Like to Apply For? *
Country/Timezone? *
Are You 18+ *
What is your experience on Twitch? *
What is your experience with Discord? *
Why would you like to be a mod for DCypherPup? *
Thank-you for taking your time to answer our questions! For further updates, join the discord :D!
- From the Department of HR.
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