IMBR - Customer Feedback Form
Maklum balas anda adalah penting kepada kami, supaya kami dapat meningkatkan. Jangan risau kerana maklum balas anda disimpan 'Swasta dan Sulit'. Kami boleh menghubungi anda untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak maklumat daripada maklum balas anda, terima kasih.

Your feedback is important to us, so that we can improve. Don't worry as your feedback is kept 'Private and Confidential'. We may contact you to get more information from your feedback, thank you.
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Email *
Nama / Name *
No. Telefon / Contact No. *
Tempat daftar / Registration Location *
Kelas Lesen / License Class *
Pengajar atau Kerani yang anda ingin maklum balas? Instructor or clerk that you would like to give feedback on? *
Adakah perkhidmatan pengajar kami mesra? Is our instructor service friendly? *
Adakah perkhidmatan pengangkutan kami disediakan sehingga standard? Is our transport service provided up-to-standard? *
Adakah kakitangan perkhidmatan pelanggan kami mesra? Is our customer service staff friendly? *
Adakah anda ingin memberikan maklum balas yang lebih terperinci kepada kami?
Would you like to provide us with more detailed feedback?
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