Tony Gobar Outstanding JJ Specialist Award
Through this award, named in honor of the late Tony Gobar, a long-time Juvenile Justice Specialist from Mississippi, the Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) recognizes a state Juvenile Justice Specialist who has exemplified excellence in service to others; has been dedicated and committed to improving the juvenile justice system; and has demonstrated compassion and concern for youth and advocates.
To be eligible, the nominee must either be a current Juvenile Justice Specialist or have been out of the position of Juvenile Justice Specialist no more than 5 years.  

Nominees should demonstrate the following characteristics:
Excellence in service to others
Dedication and commitment to improving the juvenile justice system
Compassion and concern for juveniles and advocates
Agreement with the core positions held by the Coalition for Juvenile Justice

CJJ welcomes nominations for our three annual awards. The awards will be presented at the 2024 CJJ Annual Conference. The deadline to submit nominations is March 4th at 11:59 pm ET.
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Nominee first and last name *
Nominee address
Nominee email address and/or phone number *
Does your nominee know he/she is being nominated? *
Length of time Nominee has been in current position? *
Nominator first and last name *
Nominator address
Nominator email address and/or phone number *
How long have you known the nominee? *
In what capacity do you know the nominee? *
How has your nominee demonstrated excellence in service to others? *
How has he/she shown dedication and commitment to improving the Juvenile Justice system? *
In what ways has he/she shown compassion and concern for youth and advocates? *
Please describe the nominee's action to support the core principles held by the Coalition for Juvenile Justice. ( *
You may submit up to two supporting documents to illustrate your nomination information. Please check the optional supporting documents you have selected to submit. *
Submit all supporting documents to
Reminder: The deadline for all award nominations is March 4th. 
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