DDCSP Mutual Aid Form
As a way to get the network more connected, the Alumni Council has created this mutual aid form as a way to exchange resources, advice, and connect!

If you have anything that you would like to offer or need help with, fill in this form! Your answers will appear on a public excel sheet (here: https://bit.ly/3k8mTAQ) that anyone in the network can view. Scholars can then sign up to connect with you.

We hope that by doing this, we can create a public resource that encourages a continuous exchange of resources and gives autonomy for anyone in the network to receive help and give support.

Some examples of what you can request or offer:

-feedback on resumes and cover letters
-answering questions about a field of expertise
-meetups with anyone in your area
-gardening tips
-old textbooks
-hiking gear
-article and book recommendations on a favorite topic
-drawing requests
-divination readings
-help recovering ancestral practices
-support with research
-help finding contacts for a campaign
-reading a favorite book together
-sharing Netflix accounts
-virtual cooking session

Interested? Here's more info about how it works:

This form will ask how much capacity you have or need for your submission, and you can indicate how you want each other to connect and who will initiate contact. You'll be able to see who signed up for your submission by looking at Column O of the Excel sheet.

Have a lot of things in mind to share?

If you want to request or offer multiple things but have varying capacity, then fill in this form multiple times. You can fill in this form as many times as you'd like.

What happens when I no longer need help/can offer help?

When your offer or request has been fulfilled, please mark it as complete by going to the Excel sheet and filling your row Gray. This way you can make it clear to scholars you no longer wish to be contacted for your submission.

Want to make edits?

The answers you put on this form will be sent to you and you'll have the option to edit this form later. You can also edit directly on the Excel sheet, but it's possible it might not save, so double check that your edits were successful if you do that.

View the DDCSP Mutual Aid Public Excel Sheet here: https://bit.ly/3k8mTAQ

If you have any questions, email oliviabalcos@gmail.com

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Email *
Today's Date *
Name *
preferred pronouns *
DDCSP Cohort and Year *
Other preferred contact
Ex: IG, number, other social media if that's easier. Note: The information shared here will be put on an Excel sheet for others to see. We understand that this might not be comfortable for everyone, so this question is optional
Offering or request? *
Of what? *
What would you like to share or receive help with? ex: feedback on resumes and cover letters, answering questions about a field of expertise, meetups with anyone in your area, gardening tips, old textbooks, hiking gear, recipes, article and book recommendations on food sovereignty, drawing requests, divination readings, help recovering ancestral practices, support with research, help finding contacts for a campaign, reading a favorite book together, sharing Netflix accounts, etc.
Until when? *
What is your time limit, if applicable? examples: until a specific date, until request has been fulfilled, until materials offered have run out, no limit, unsure and will edit later
What is your capacity? *
How many times are you willing to be contacted about this? ex: 1, 3, or 5 scholars, no limit (note: there will be space on the excel sheet for scholars to sign up for your offer/request)
Who will initiate contact? *
Space for comments
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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