Real Producers- Framed Feature Order Form
Your feature will be framed and shipped directly to you. Once you fill this out, you will get an invoice to pay and once that is paid the order will be placed.  Currently it will take 4-5 weeks to receive once confirmed.
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Which Real Producers magazine were you featured in? *
Month you were featured in *
Year you were featured in *
First and Last Name *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
How many pages was your feature?  If you do not have this info we will get back to you on the number of pages. *
What address would you like your framed feature sent to? *
How many would you like? *
Thank you!  We will send you an invoice to pay which will include shipping and tax.  Once you fill that out we will place your order.  Shipping takes roughly 4-5 weeks. You can order reprints of your feature at
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