Best Before Collective - Membership form
Welcome to our registration form, we’re so happy that you are considering being a part of our amazing collective! 😀😀😀

We accept new members right now until 30/11 2024, sign up here if you want to become one of us! 

Ps, signing up means that you want to be a member, if you have questions around membership or want some more information, contact us on socialmedia or email.

Best Before Collective is a newly formed artist-run initiative that right now is renting a showcase in the subway (T-Hornstull, Stockholm). Our aim is to be a supportive learning platform for our members, where we can share experience and knowledge of how to run an art gallery. We are a group of around 20 creative people that can help each other out and bring a wide range of skills to the community. Everyone is divided into smaller working groups that each will be responsible for the gallery for one month.

Membership fee:
We share the rent and insurance for the gallery window at Östermalmstorg. The fee is currently at 900SEK for a 6 month membership (150kr/month).

Please take a short time to read through our statutes (it is not that long) and fill out this form.

Statues (in Swedish, English version will come soon): 

We'll process your application as soon as possible.
Hope to see you soon, BBC
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Email *
Address *
Date of birth *
Link to Facebook (so we can invite you to our informal social groups)
Why do you want to be a member?
Short background description and relevant knowledge
By ticking this box, you agree to receive membership mailings from the association and accept that your personal data will be processed and managed by the association for our administrational work. We will not share it to any third party. You always have the right to have all personal data removed from our membership register if you no longer wish to be a member. *
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