Joining the Neuroethics Discussion Forum
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-Carboncopies Ethics Team

The Carboncopies Neuroethics Discussion Forum is dedicated to exploring the neuroethics of whole brain emulation. This forum is designed to be a space where we can engage in thoughtful discussions about the ethical, social, and philosophical implications of whole brain emulation and mind-uploading technologies.

What is Neuroethics?

Neuroethics is an interdisciplinary field that studies the ethical, legal, and social implications of neuroscience and our growing understanding of the brain and nervous system. It addresses questions about the impact of brain research and neurotechnologies on human behavior, personal identity, mental privacy, and society. Neuroethics explores moral dilemmas related to cognitive enhancement, mental data privacy, personal identity, consciousness and personhood, and the implications of neurological findings on concepts like free will and moral responsibility. The field aims to ensure that advancements in neuroscience are developed and applied in ways that are ethically sound and socially beneficial.

Key Topics for Discussion

In this forum, we will explore a variety of topics, including but not limited to:
  • Ethical and social considerations of advanced neurotechnology research and development

  • Moral and legal status of digital emulations (digital minds)

  • Ethics of human cognitive enhancement

  • Future of work and the socioeconomic landscape with digital minds

  • Open access and democratization of whole brain emulation technologies

  • Ethical implications of consciousness replication in digital minds

  • Identifying criteria required for moral consideration of digital minds

  • Consciousness and personhood of digital emulations

  • Neurosecurity and privacy of mental data

  • Ethical treatment of research animals (both biological and digital)

  • Existential risk and arms race issues of WBE technology

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