Teach North Korean Refugees (TNKR) Volunteer Leadership Academy Application
Thank you for your interest in Teach North Korea Refugees' Volunteer Leadership Academy (VLA)! Since 2013, Teach North Korean Refugees (TNKR) has provided free, one on one tutoring to over 460 North Korean refugees residing in South Korea. However, in order to help our organization continue to grow and provide these services, we need the help of dedicated, non-instructional volunteers in a variety of areas including social media, fundraising, writing, editing, film, photography, design, events, media, and PR.

To apply for the International Volunteer Leadership Academy:
* Submit this online application
* Send the latest version of your resume to CJL@alumni.harvard.edu

If you have any questions about the program or application process, please reach out to TNKR co-founder Casey Lartigue at CJL@alumni.harvard.edu. Additionally, to learn more about TNKR and our work, visit TNKR's new Website, loveTNKR.org

We look forward to reviewing your application!
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Applicant Name (First and Last): *
Country of Citizenship *
City of Residence in Korea *
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Email Address *
Phone Number
Kakao ID
Have you ever met North Korean refugees before? *
BEFORE you joined or applied for TNKR, had you met North Korean refugees?
Why do you want to get involved with TNKR? *
Let us know what you believe is the best way for you to get involved.
Please select which team(s) you are applying for: *
Choose up to three.
Why do you want to join the team(s) you selected? *
Do you have previous experience in the field(s) you selected? *
Are you a TNKR member? *
How did you hear about TNKR?
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If you would like to join TNKR co-founder Casey Lartigue's email list to get updates about TNKR.
Subscribe here: http://eepurl.com/gkDJfH
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