Learning Ally's College Success Program - Parent/Guardian Survey
Thank you for taking our survey! Your responses will help Learning Ally better understand the needs of high school students who are blind or visually impaired and who will be transitioning to college and employment. Please fill out this survey only if you have a transition-age child (ages 14-22) who is blind or visually impaired. Your responses will be kept confidential. However, we do ask for your contact information in case we need to reach out with any questions.
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Name: *
Email: *
Phone Number
How old is your child? What grade is he or she currently completing? *
1 point
Which description most accurately portrays your child's school environment? *
Does your child have additional support besides a TVI, such as transcribers or paraprofessionals? *
How does the current support structure help and/or hinder your son or daughter? *
What is your child's eye condition? *
How would you describe your son or daughter's visual impairment to someone who doesn't know much about various eye conditions? *
Your Child's Readiness for College and/or the World of Work
The following questions will help us understand your thoughts and observations about your child's independence in educational settings.
My child... *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Knows which learning media (braille, print, audio) he or she needs to learn best.
Has a good backup strategy when the learning media does not work, isn't available, etc.
My child can... *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Study independently, without assistance from a teacher or me.
Manage his or her time independently.
My child can talk to classroom teachers independently... *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
About the accommodations they need to succeed.
When they have problems in a class that they cannot solve; he or she is prepared to discuss the problem and to help brainstorm solutions.
My child has... *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Used technology to conduct research, write papers and complete assignments and tests.
Learned about a variety of career options by job shadowing, conducting informational interviews, etc.
Spent at least some of their leisure time with their peers.
My child travels independently... *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Within familiar environments, such as home and school.
Throughout the community.
Additional Feedback
The following questions will give you the opportunity to share more about your experiences as a parent of a transition age student who is blind or visually impaired. Please write your answers in the spaces provided.
List some specific goals or skills you, your child and their TVI have agreed that he or she will accomplish this school year.
Describe the progress your child is making with these goals or skills.
If your child has not accomplished these goals or is not working on them, list some reasons why.
Are there other specific types of support you wish you or your child could have? Please list them here.
Please list the careers your child is interested in or hopes to have in the future.
List the top 3 things your child does well.
What obstacles or challenges could you imagine your child encountering as they transition to college and employment?
What kinds of challenges would you like your child to overcome before heading to college or employment?
We sometimes need to reach out to parents or guardians to conduct additional research. Would you be interested in being interviewed by a member of our research team?
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