Old Spokes Home Program Request
Hey! We're stoked you're reaching out and want to collaborate with Old Spokes Home to make something great. Community partnership is essential to our work creating access to bicycles. We offer workshops, programs, events, bike fleet maintenance, and more. Whenever possible we like to "say yes" to invitations for collaboration, but we also need to be thoughtful about our ability to staff any new initiatives successfully. The information bellow will help us make decisions moving forward. Let us know what you envision and we'll be in touch. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail Sarah Camille Wilson (sarahcamille@oldspokeshome.com).
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First name
Last name
Phone number
Organization you work for or are representing
Organization web site
Which of these descriptions apply to the event you are imagining?
Has your organization worked with OSH in the past? If so, tell us about it!
Tell us what you envision in collaboration with Old Spokes Home:
When would you ideally like this workshop/program/event/etc happen?
Would you like this to be a single event, a recurring event, or a series that meets multiple times?
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Can you provide funding?
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Thank you for requesting an event or program from Old Spokes Home! We appreciate your advocacy for bikes in your community and value your collaboration. Look out for an email from us.
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