Newton Application for Building Use
Please fill out this form to let us know about your group, your event, and your specific facilities needs.  A staff person will reach out to you about your request to use Newton's Facilities.
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Email *
Today's Date *
Name of Organization *
Contact Phone Number *
Type of Organization *
Non-Newton Athletic Teams please list at least 2 Newton Students below that will be participating on your team for the requested date.  

*If you are not an athletic team, please put N/A below to advance to the next question.
Date Requested for School's Use

*If you need more than one date, please list all dates in the "other pertinent information" box above the signature section at the bottom. 
Opening Time *
Closing Time *
Total Number of Hours Requested for all dates *
Facilities Desired *
Any other pertinent information or other dates needed:

I, as the signing person, hereby agree to abide by all the Newton School Board Policies and School Rules and Regulations as delineated on the attached sheets.  I also agree that the group named hereupon shall pay for all fees, personnel costs, and any and all damages to any school property accessible to the group while the group is using the facility. I also agree that the group named hereupon agrees to indemnify and HOLD HARMLESS the Newton Local Board of Education and their agents and employees from all liability, claims, damages, or costs, for, or arising out of our groups activities whether it be caused by the negligence of the group or the Newton Local Board of Education or either party’s agents or employees, or otherwise.


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