National Lawyers Guild Executive Board Application '22-'23.
Please complete this form by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, April 20th! A link to vote will be emailed out to all NLG members on the morning of April 21th with your candidate statements. Voting will then take place until 5:00 pm on Saturday, April 23rd.

NLG is a horizontal and non-hierarchical organization, meaning all positions on the board have equal power. However, each position has slightly different duties. Here are the roles each position has, as outlined in our constitution:

o Shall be the official representative and spokesperson of NLG Pepperdine
o Shall serve as the presiding officer over NLG Pepperdine and officer meetings.
o Shall be responsible for enforcing and upholding the NLG Pepperdine
o Shall maintain communications with the Pepperdine School of Law administration, the NLG Pepperdine members, and other Pepperdine School of Law student organizations.
o Shall assist with any community programs.
o Shall have the final authority to represent NLG Pepperdine in a manner
consistent with this Constitution.
o Shall propose social functions and activities, with advice and assistance
from other officers and members.
o Shall be the liaison for the quarterly regional NLG meetings, accompanied
by another member of the Executive Board which shall rotate.

o Shall assume the duties of President of NLG Pepperdine in the absence or
incapacity of the President.
o Shall assist President in decision making with respect to NLG Pepperdine
events and proposed events by the members of the on campus guild
o With the help of the Secretary, shall correspond with the members of the
regional and national chapter, in case the President in unavailable to do so.
o Shall assist with the community programs.
o Shall assist the President in the daily functions of NLG Pepperdine.
o Shall oversee elections.

o Shall take “minutes” at all executive board meetings, general meetings and
special meetings.
o Shall make the “minutes” available to all members of NLG Pepperdine upon request.
o Shall assist with advertising and publicizing NLG Pepperdine meetings and events.
o Shall keep records of e-mail and other communications with the national and regional chapter, and make available to others.

o Shall manage and maintain the finances of NLG Pepperdine by creating a log, file, or folder of NLG Pepperdine’s account, accessible for review by its officers.
o Shall approve budget requests in conformity with law school use-of-funds
policy and shall advise the President before the transfer of funds to any
o Shall collect all dues and assessments duly authorized by NLG Pepperdine. (In the event dues are initiated).
o Shall communicate and seek financial approval of Pepperdine when the group is proposing an event that is eligible for school funding.

o Shall maintain communications with other Pepperdine School of Law organizations.
o Shall communicate to the student body and faculty through advertising
and publicizing meetings and events.
o Shall keep all social media updated with current events, but may seek the
help of any other Executive Board member with this task.
o Shall advise the President of any ideas he/she may have about new ways
of advertising events.
o Ensure that all advertised material adheres with Pepperdine policy.

o Shall build relationships and maintain communications with local law school’s NLG chapters in an effort to build solidarity amongst progressive law students in Southern California.
o Shall update the NLG Pepperdine Executive Board on any ideas or projects local NLG chapters are involved in.
o Shall coordinate with local NLG chapters and host Mixers or retreats in an effort to build solidarity with local chapters.
o Shall advise the President of any ideas he/she thinks shall be implemented at Pepperdine.

o Shall be responsible for the successful execution of events, including correspondence and coordination with speakers, collaboration with other organizations, and finalize details such as time, location, length of event,
and budget.
o Shall oversee NLG events in person whenever possible.
o Shall be the primary point of contact for individual events, acting as the liaison between speakers and the Executive Board.
o Shall provide the Executive Board with progress reports at each meeting for review and shall provide additional event updates to individual Executive Board members as they are required.
Email *
Name *
Email *
Class *
Please rank your choice of position, 1 being your highest priority and 7 being your lowest.  Voting will be conducted via a ranked choice instant run-off election, which ensures candidates are able to run and be considered for multiple positions.   *
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4
Priority 5
Priority 6
Priority 7
Vice President
Public Relations
Event Coordinator
Please draft a statement outlining why you're running for NLG Exec Board.  Be sure to discuss why you would be a good representative of our organization, what goals/ideas you have in mind for the upcoming school year, and what experience you have that can help you in your position.  This statement will be published in our ballot.   *
NLG's Week Against Mass Incarceration (WAMI) is our most important and well-known series of events. Taking place in March, it is part of NLG's nation-wide effort to educate law students on mass incarceration, arguably the largest systematic humanitarian crisis facing the country and affecting nearly every other political, economic, and legal issue. Please explain your ideas for this year's WAMI, including issues to focus on, kinds of speakers you would like to invite, etc. This statement will be published in our ballot.
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