CCRCD's 2024 Coastal Cleanup Day Registration Form
If you plan to join one or more of the CCRCD's Coastal Cleanup Day 2024 events, please fill out this Google Form so we can keep you updated and so we know who to expect at each event.

This year, we are hosting or cohosting the following cleanups: 
  1. Saturday, September 7th, 9am-11am: Marsh Creek: Oakley Creekside Park (3900 Creekside Way, Oakley, CA 94561) [Register at this link under "Events" and "OYAC Community Creek Clean Up"]
  2. Saturday, September 7th, 9am-11am: Marsh Creek: Brentwood Creekside Park (1010 Claremont Dr, Brentwood, CA 94513) [Register at this link]
  3. Saturday, September 14th, 9am-12pm: McNabney Marsh, Martinez
  4. Saturday, September 14th, 10am-12pm: Holbrook Channel, Hillcrest Community Park, Concord
  5. Saturday, September 21st, 10am-1pm: Rodeo Creek: 605 Parker Avenue, Rodeo (near Goodwill)
  6. Saturday, September 21st, 10am-1pm: Crockett Waterfront: 1909 Dowrelio Drive, Crockett (near the CREEC Greenhouse)
  7. Saturday, September 21st, 9am-12pm: Upper Sand Creek Basin (south of the Kaiser Antioch Medical Center)
You will receive an email from your site captain with more information about the cleanups as we approach the cleanup dates.

The CCRCD is able to host these events because of funding provided by the Contra Costa County Flood Control District and the County Watershed Program. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Cleanup(s) you plan to attend?
(Cleanups that have already occurred are not listed below.)
Number of people you are RSVP'ing for? *
Do you live in Contra Costa County? (optional)
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Would you like to be added to the CCRCD newsletter email list to stay up to date on CCRCD activities? (optional)
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Have you previously attended a CCRCD event? If you have attended our events, how many have you attended? (optional)
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Comments (optional)
Thank you to the Contra Costa County Flood Control District and the Contra Costa County Watershed Program for their support! 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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