Every NPCA Affiliate Group has its own page in NPCA's online Affiliate Group Directory (
https://goo.gl/Kq1wQt)! It is important to keep this page accurate and current as it is how many members and potential members will find and learn more about your group! Keeping your group up-to-date also helps NPCA better serve you!
To find your group's Directory Page, type any part of the your group's name into the search bar, then click on your group's logo, name, or "Profile" button to open your group's page.
You should already have at least one group leader listed on your group's Directory Page (seen at the bottom of your group's Directory Page under "Member Group Leaders"). To add leaders to this list, please complete this form.
There are two types of Directory Page leaders: ones with Directory Page editing privileges and ones without. Once we grant editing page privileges to one or more of your group's leaders, they will be able to edit any part of your group's Directory Page including the group name, logo, banner image, contact information, description, and downloads. Please watch this video to learn more about updating your group's Directory Page:
https://youtu.be/usu987x13t4Thank you!