Teacher Application Form
Language Adventure, Inc.
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Language Adventure
Today's date:  *
First and Last Name *
Cell Phone *
Email address *
Your location (City & Zip Code) *
Your highest education level *
What is your experience working with children? *
What language would you like to teach? *
What is your level in this language? *
What interests you the most about this position? *
What do you think you can bring to the program, given your expertise? *
Please name your current or a previous employer *
Are you still employed? *
What days are you available between 3:30-5:30 PM? (check all that apply) *
Have you been convicted of a felony *
Are you legally allowed to work in the US? *
Please add one reference from work or school (Name, title, phone, email, and their relationship to you) *
Additional comments *
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