코로나19 확진 시 보고 양식(Report form for confirmed COVID-19)
코로나19에 확진된 구성원은 아래의 내용을 작성해서 제출해주시기 바랍니다.
- 학생복지팀 -
Member who has been confirmed with COVID-19, please fill out and submit the following information.
- Student Affairs Team -
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
확진일자(confirmed date) *
성명(name) *
유형(identity) *
소속(major or department) *
성별(sex) *
출생년도(year of birth)(ex. 1997) *
감염경로(infection route) *
백신접종 여부(vaccination) *
기숙사 거주 여부(dormitory residence) *
기숙사 생활관(기숙사 거주자에 해당함)(For dormitory resident, please select the residence building.)
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외국인 유학생의 경우, 국적, 비자유형, 입국일자 작성 요망(For international student, please fill in your nationality, visa type and date of entry.)
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