Energy in mariculture interest form
We are asking for information from mariculture farmers and processors that are interested in participating in the "green energy in mariculture" (GEM) project. The GEM project is a part of the broader Alaska Mariculture Cluster Build Back Better program. The GEM will determine how mariculture sites use energy presently, then use that information to identify efficiency and renewable energy opportunities for the industry. Farmers and processors can participate by helping GEM complete energy assessments at their sites. 

Participating farmers and processors will receive energy assessment reports specific to their operations as well as an $800 stipend for participating in the project. To receive the stipend, farmers and processors are asked to communicate information about their operations with project team members by phone and email, provide access to their facilities for energy metering, and support project team members when they are on site. 

If there are more site owners interested in participating than the GEM project can support, participants will be selected to broadly represent the Alaska mariculture industry.
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What's your name?
What's your email address?
What's your role in the mariculture industry?
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What species do you cultivate/process?
What quantity of product to do you sell annually? (Could be tons of kelp, number of oysters, etc)
How many people work at your site/facility?
What production stages are you involved with? (For example, an oyster farmer might have a FLUPSY and a farm site but not a nursery, or a processor might be involved with blanching and freezing kelp but not harvesting kelp or shipping product.)
Is the site/facility owned by an Alaska Native person or tribe?
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Where is your site/facility located? (For example, a site's location could be described as XX miles West of XX community)
How long has your site/facility been operating?
What are you hoping to get out of participating?
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