parterre box pitch form
parterre box welcomes pitches from all interested writers. We are especially interested in:
  • Features (including previews of specific operas/productions, interviews with singers/conductors/creatives, etc - 2100-2400 words) with a special emphasis on topics related to a current event in the opera world (new productions/revivals/recordings, etc.). View previous features published on parterre here
  • "Perspectives on an Aria" (1300-1700 words about a specific aria including comparisons between 4 and 6 performances using youtube clips; make sure to discuss the opera and how the aria fits into it before moving on to the performances)
  • Personal essays
  • And any other ideas you might have
Compensation to be discussed once the pitch is accepted. If we are interested, an editor will reach out directly. Please forward all questions to

If you have questions related to reviews (of performances or recordings), please contact
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Have you written for us before? Where can we see examples of your writing? *
What type of piece are you interested in pitching? *
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