Registration Form - RNZRSA EGM (Online)
Kia ora,

If you are completing registration on behalf of an attendee, please ensure it is the attendees contact information that is provided. Please read the instructions below before completing this registration form.

Event: Online Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
Dates: 22 March 2025
Venue: Online
Event Starting time: 10:00am, 22 March 2025
Approximate Event Ending time: 1:00pm, 22 March 2025

You will receive an email with a link to access the online meeting closer to the EGM.

Please contact us by emailing if you have any queries.

Instructions (for delegates)

Each delegate is required to provide an individual email address to ensure security of the voting process.
Each email address is only able to be used for one delegate
The email address you provide below is the one that will be used for voting on the day of the EGM. Make sure you will be able to access that email inbox during the EGM.
If an Association secretary is registering more than one delegate for the meeting, they must ensure that a separate email address is provided for each delegate they are registering.

Instructions (for observers)

Observers cannot register using the same email address as any delegate.
Multiple observers can register using the same email address.
The email address you provide below is the one that all instructions for observers will be sent to.
If an Association secretary is registering observers for the meeting, they must ensure that email addresses provided for observers are not the same as any email address provided for a delegate.

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Email *
Full name of attendee *
Attendee email address
If you are completing registration on behalf of an attendee, please ensure that the attendee's email address is provided here. If you are filling out this form for yourself, then you can leave this section blank.
Remember - each delegate must have an individual email address to ensure security of the voting process.
Contact phone number *
If you are completing registration on behalf of an attendee, please ensure that the attendee's phone number is provided.
Which RSA or Affiliate Organisation are you representing? *
Life Members please enter "Life Member"
Those carrying proxy votes are only required to enter their substantive position. Proxy votes are recorded against delegates in a separate process.
Which District does your Association belong to? *
Life members please select "Life Member", Affiliates please select "Affiliate", Board and Forum Members please select "Board" or "Forum" as appropriate.
In which capacity are you attending on behalf of your organisation? *
Please note that Observers do not have voting right or speaking rights during the EGM.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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