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Zion Dance Project | Booking
Thank you for your interest in Zion Dance Project. We're excited to partner with you in supporting and contributing to your vision.
In order to give you the best experience to serve you and your organization, please provide the following information.
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Your email
Name of Organization
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Phone Number
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Booking Description
Please describe the nature of your booking opportunity {i.e. dance performance, music video, conference entertainment, innovative dance collaborations, etc.}
Your answer
Performance Description
Please describe what kind of performance you are looking for {time length, style of dance, large group or small group of dancers, upbeat or lyrical, etc.}
Your answer
Expected Attendance
Your answer
Date for Booking
Location for Booking
Your answer
Housing - For Non-Dallas/Ft Worth Bookings
Host and housing provided
Housing not included with compensation
Travel - For Non-Dallas/Ft Worth Bookings Only
For locations 100-500 miles from Dallas, we ask for gas compensation. For locations greater than 500 miles from Dallas, we ask for flight compensations. Would you be able to provide travel compensation?
Your answer
Budget for Booking
Please provide your working budget. This will allow us to see how we can best work with you and your event.
Your answer
Dimensions of Stage/Performance Space
Your answer
How did you hear about us?
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Please share any other information you would like us to know about your booking.
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