Barbell Rehab Method Certification Gym Host Request
Interested in bringing The Barbell Rehab Method Certification to your gym? Fill out the form below to get started. If we think you'd be a good fit, we will get back to you as soon as possible!
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First and Last Name *
Phone *
Email *
Facility Name *
Facility Address *
Website *
Have you hosted other live events before? *
What is the square footage of your ENTIRE gym? *
What is the approximate square footage of the OPEN space in the your gym? We rent chairs for this event and want to have an idea of how much open space you have for us to place these chairs for the lecture portion of the seminar.
How many squat racks do you have? Said differently, how many people can simultaneously squat in your facility? At different points in the seminar, we break the class down into groups, so multiple people will be squatting at the same time. *
How many flat benches do you have? This includes adjustable benches that can be positioned in the flat position as well. *
Approximately how many barbells do you have? *
Approximately how many 10lb and 25lb bumper plates do you have? *
What is the parking situation like for your gym? Is it street parking? Parking lot? Paid or free? *
Does your gym have heat (if scheduling in colder times) or central air conditioning (if scheduling in warmer times)? We like the gym to be a comfortable temperature during the seminar in order to maximize the learning experience. Please check all that apply *
What are the restrooms like at your gym? Do you have more than 1? Are they private restrooms that only one person can use at a time? Or can multiple people use them at once? We ask because when we take breaks during the course, multiple people will want to use the restroom all at once, so we'd like to know this situation ahead of time. *
Do you have a water refilling station or water fountains available? Please explain. *
Do you have a refrigerator and/or microwave that participants could use for their lunch?  *
Are you able to close your gym on a Saturday and Sunday while the course is in progress? This is a 2-day event and we require the gym to be closed during the duration of the event in order to maximize the learning experience of our students.  *
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