KAASM Membership Application
Thank you for joining Korean American Association for Sport Management (KAASM)!

The KAASM’s fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.

If you have any questions regarding your membership status or other questions, please contact the treasurers, Dr. Juha Yoon at juhayoon@iu.edu or Dr. Wooyoung Jang at wjang@westga.edu.

Thank you again for your support!

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Email *
Second E-mail (not school email)
Phone number *
Are you renewing the membership, or becoming a new KAASM member? *
Become a new member
KAASM Membership
Name (First Name, Last Name) (e.g., Sungho Cho) *
한글이름 (예: 조성호) *
Degree (What is the highest degree you have completed?) *
School Affiliation *
Position (e.g., doctoral student, assistant professor) *
Please choose one of the following membership categories: *
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