DLN Volunteer Application
The Beaches Green Market Needs You!
*Do you believe that healthy food is essential for ALL individuals and families ?
*Do you like assisting with our Community events?

Then come on out and volunteer with the Beaches Green Market on Saturdays between 8:30am - 2:00pm.
If you share our love of local food, crafts and vibrant public spaces, we'd love to hear from you.

Our volunteers come from many walks of life: market shoppers, dedicated foodies, students, professionals, chefs and restaurant staff, neighborhood activists and others who want to share their talents and time by helping the Beaches Green Market strengthen and sustain the local community economy.

Volunteers help with children's events, demos, setup and breakdown, parking, work at the Welcome Tent distributing information and assist with kids activities.

We also need contributors to assist with policy decision-making process through our Community Advisory Team and work on many other tasks vital to our effort to build a strong local food & arts community.

* Required
Email *
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
What days/shifts can you attend? *
Which Position are you volunteering for? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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