Free CPD Training on Young Carers, Norwich - Expression of Interest Form
Caring Together and the theatre company LUNG are running free young carers CPD training at Norwich Playhouse on Thursday 4th November. This includes a free ticket to see the award winning play Who Cares made with and about young carers. The training is around young carers and is aimed at teachers, social workers, youth workers, health care professionals, police and anyone who works in a front facing role with young people.

What the day will look like:
3.30pm - 6 pm, CPD Training
6pm - 630pm, optional networking / support session
6.30pm - 7.30pm, dinner break
7.30pm - 8.45pm, a free performance of the award winning play Who Cares
8.45pm - 9.15pm, a post show q&a

Spaces are limited, so if you're interested please sign up below and we'll be in touch as soon as possible if we are able to offer you a place. If you have any questions about this training please get in touch -

For more information about the Who Cares play visit
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Are you free and available for the full activity on Thursday 4th November? *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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