Cork & Craft Tailgate VIP Pass

Ready to tailgate? Join us at Cork & Craft's exclusive tailgate events for every University of Arizona football home game! Check out our delicious tailgate menu and enjoy good vibes. Whether you're attending one game or the whole season, sign up for a single pass or a season pass through the form below. 

After signing up, we’ll follow up via email or phone to finalize payment and provide details on where to pick up your pass.

Tailgate event starts 2 hours before kickoff.

We can’t wait to tailgate with you!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Which type of pass would you like to purchase? *
Single Tailgate Pass: Which tailgate(s) are you interested in purchasing a pass for? (Can select more than one) *
Single Tailgate Pass:
Please list how many passes you would like to purchase for each. 
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