Conversation Application

Hello, love you! I acknowledge you for your interest in leaning into coaching and creating a shift in your life. Please complete the application below – I commit to responding within 24 hrs during business days.  

My request is that you complete the application only if you’re committed to attending the session. The coaching space is precious, and though it’s complimentary, my intention is to serve you no differently than if you were my client.  

These conversations are not for everyone. We use the time to get into your life, your challenges, your opportunities.  A lot can happen in these conversations – I don’t hold back as a coach.  They can be deep, powerful, and illuminating.  

If you’re wanting to make a shift in your life or business, complete the form below. 

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Tell me a bit about yourself: What are you up to right now in your life and work? *
In the next 6 months, what would you like to be different--internally and externally? *
First and Last Name *
Your Best Email Address *
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