GenCyber Camp Registration Form 2023
Thank you for your interest in GenCyber Camp a week-long commuter event, June 19-23, 2023.   
Please complete the information below to apply for a space at the 
Deadline for applications will be Friday, May 12, 2023.
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First name *
Last Name *
School District Name *
School Name *
Email (If you don't have an email, list your parent's email address) *
Student Cell Phone Number *
Name of Parent (first and last name) *
Cell Phone for Parent *
Parent Email *
Please give the first and last name of an emergency contact, other than your parent or guardian listed above. *
Please provide a cell phone number for your emergency contact. *
What is your current grade level in school? *
What is your gender? *
T-Shirt Size *
What computer science classes have you taken? (Select all that apply) *
Please provide a brief description of why you want to attend this camp and what you hope to learn during the camp. *
How will you get to and from camp? *
I understand that this is a commuter camp and no overnight accomodations will be provided. I will need transportation to the camp each morning by 8:00am and will need to be picked up by 5:00pm each day. *
Do you have a laptop computer which you can bring with you to the camp? *
How did you hear about the camp? *
Please list any allergies or special dietary needs, if applicable.  Put N/A if there are none. *
I understand that once I have checked-in for the camp I will be under the supervision of camp staff and I will comply with all rules and regulations of the camp and Mississippi State University.  This includes but is not limited to staying with my group during the entire duration of the camp, not having guests at the camp facilities who are not participating in the camp, not leaving the MSU campus at any time during camp hours. *
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