2023-2024 Wednesdays of HOPE Registration
Parents, please fill out the following form and submit. Wednesdays of HOPE is intended for all children and youth entering K-10th+ grade in September of 2023 (confirmation students may be as old as seniors, depending on their confirmation goal date, and start time!) 

We ask parents/caring adults to:
-  keep this ministry in their prayers
-  regularly check e-mail and messaging platforms for updates
-  encourage and support youth in full participation of HOPE's faith formation offerings
-  provide feedback on what works and what we're missing
-  assist with teaching and leading activities when possible

Session Information:
  1. Fall Session: September 20- November 15-  9 classes. This session includes the Kickoff Campfire Child/Parent Orientation night on 9.20. The remaining classes will focus on New Testament stories, and we'll end with HOPE's 2nd annual Advent Fair.
  2. Winter Session: January 10-Feb. 14- 6 classes. This session includes Ash Wednesday on Feb. 14 and learning will center on understanding the liturgical year/church seasons, the Lord's Prayer, and a winter service/fellowship night.
  3. Spring Session: April 10-May 15- 6 classes. This session includes the end of the year service project/party night on 5.15. The remaining classes will center on the Sacrament of Holy Communion and Faith in Daily Life where we'll help youth understand how we are nurtured and sent into the world. Youth will hear presentations from adults on how faith intersects with their work, and will get to explore specific topics of interest . We are still planning details, but this session might also include a community wide public speaker to benefit parents and children. 

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Email *
Child Information
Child 1's Full Name (please include preferred name) *
Birthdate *
Grade *
School *
Preferred Pronoun *
Please indicate which session or sessions of Wednesdays of Hope your child will attend. You can register for all sessions now, or prior to each session.
Child 2's Name (please include preferred name)
Child 2's Birthdate *
Child 2's Grade *
Child 2's School *
Child 2's Preferred Pronoun *
Please indicate which session or sessions of Wednesdays of Hope your this child will attend. You can register for all sessions now, or prior to each session.
For Child 3+: Please provide the same details for any additional children you are registering at this time here, including which session(s) they plan to participate in. 
Parent/Adult Name 1 *
Adult/Parent 1 Cell Phone *
Adult/Parent 1 E-mail *
Address *
Parent/Adult 2 Name *
Parent/ Adult 2 Cell Phone *
Parent/Adult 2 E-Mail *
Address (if different)
What is your preferred method of communication *
Emergency Contact Name and Phone *
Emergency Contact Relationship to Child(ren)
I would like to help make Wednesdays of HOPE a success by:
The following people have my/our permission to pick our child up from HOPE youth activities: (please provide names, phone number, and relationship to child) 
Please share any information about your child(ren) that will help leaders provide a safe, positive experience for your child(ren) including any pertinent behavioral/emotional/physical information, allergies, and current medications.
Photos of my child/children may be used for the church website, newsletters, brochures, etc.
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Program Authorization
I give the above mentioned child my permission to participate in the Education Program at HOPE Lutheran Church including any local travel to and from special events. I authorize the adult leaders to obtain emergency medical assistance for my child if necessary with the understanding that we as parents and/or the emergency contact will be informed as soon as possible. I agree to be liable for all costs incurred in connection with medical services needed and to not hold the staff or volunteers of HOPE Lutheran Church liable for any injury that my child may incur while participating in the program.
Parent/Adult Name and Date
By entering your initials in the box below, you are effectively providing your signature for program authorization. *
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