Open Data Day 2021: Event and online session registration
Open Data Day 2021 will take place on Saturday 6th March.

Whether you are an open data expert, or just learning how open data can improve people's lives, this is the place to register your Open Data Day plans.

There are three parts to this registration form.

PART A is your GENERAL INFORMATION. Everyone needs to fill this out.

PART B is to REGISTER YOUR EVENT. We will pull this information and show it on the map at If your event is entirely online, please choose the location of the principal EVENT organiser. We still want to put you on the map.

PART C is to register ONLINE SESSIONS that are open to the public. To encourage as many people as possible to come to your ONLINE SESSION, we will later pull this information to create an Open Data Day 2021 Session Timetable. We will be in touch with you closer to the time to get more details on your session (link, password, time slot, timezones etc). This section is optional.

Have any questions? You can post them in the Open Data Day Google group!forum/open-data-day or contact us at
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