Primarily Virginia Online Teachers Institute (Summer 2022)
The course is offered free of charge, thanks to the generous support of the WestRock Foundation.

Primarily Virginia is an online course designed for K-12 teachers from around Virginia to explore Virginia’s past by examining objects and primary sources. These pieces of the past will be used as a lens to examine different historical eras in Virginia history. All course work is to be completed through the course website, and there are no required in-person class meetings. Upon completion of the course, participating teachers will receive up to 45 re-certification points, along with a membership to the Virginia Museum of History & Culture.

The course consists of a series of modules. In each module, a series of activities will allow the participants to engage in the historical inquiry process, and provide opportunities to examine how the course content can be applied in the classroom. Each module will require teachers to write reflections about the objects & historical content and to respond to the postings from the other class participants.

Please register by June 24, 2022. Primarily Virginia will launch on June 27, 2022. For additional information, please contact Hailey Fenner at

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