Mentorship Inquiry
If you are feeling called to work together, please fill out the application form below.  In this call, we will explore what it would be like to work together and make sure we are a great fit.

Please complete this questionnaire in order to schedule your session.

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This is for you if you are fully committed to do the work to live the life you love in every aspect of your life, are creatively resourceful, ready to take action and invest to change your world, release old patterns, and activate your truth, power, abundance, and joy. Given that, at the end of our call, if I feel it is a good fit, I will invite you to work with me. I ask that you decide yes or no on the call. If this is not you, no worries. I wish you the best. If this is you, let's play!
Name, Email Address, Phone Number *
1. What is your big vision? What is it that you most want to create in the world? What do you want to be about? *
2. What do you believe you need in order to achieve and live at your desired level? *
3. In what area of your life are you most seeking support (your biggest frustration with your life right now)? How is this affecting other areas of your life? *
4. What have you done previously to resolve this issue that didn't work? Why do you think it didn't work? *
5. How committed are you to going ALL IN on investing in yourself (energetically, emotionally, spiritually, and with time) and making the changes necessary to achieve your desired next level? *
6. If it turns out we are a great fit, how do you envision your life shifting from doing this work together? *
7. What would make you an AMAZING client to work with? *
8. If it turns out we are a great fit, how ready are you to financially commit to this journey? It is an investment and the results are significant! *
9. What inspires and excites you about doing this work and working with me? *
Excellent. The application is complete.  Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions honestly. After I review the questions, I will send you a link to my calendar to schedule a call. Any last comments you'd like to make?
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