Cake Bake-to-Share contest entry

Thank you so much for entering our Cake Bake-to-Share Contest! We are so grateful for your participation and we are excited to see all of the amazing cakes that are entered.

We know that a lot of time and effort goes into making a yummy cake, and we appreciate you taking the time to do so. We are also grateful for your support of our Coronation Picnic event and the Victoria Park Community Group. Your entry helps us to raise awareness about our Park and our Group.

Two of the cakes entered will each win a £25 gift voucher, so get baking! We wish you all the best of luck in the competition!

On the day of the event (Sunday, May 7th, 2023), please bring your bake to the Victoria Park Community Group gazebo in the park before 12.30 pm.

Please keep in mind that these cakes are made to be shared. They will be tasted for judging purposes, and then, be sliced and offered for free to the people present in the park at the time of the Coronation Picnic. 

HEALTH AND SAFETY NOTICE: ALL ingredients used in the cake must be submitted on a list and absolutely NO NUTS are to be used in the bake. 

Thank you! 

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Name and surname
Telephone number to contact
Address and postcode (this will be remain private and is only for entry purposes). *
What cake are you entering (for example, Victoria sponge, lemon drizzle, etc.)
Please list ALL of the ingredients in your cake (this is important to guarantee that people with food allergies do not consume anything that will make them sick.) NO NUTS PLEASE!
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