Application to the Certified Prohuman Ambassador Program, 2024-2025 Cohort
Thank you for your interest in the Certified Prohuman Ambassador Program, 2024-2025 cohort. 
First and last name *
Email address *
Phone number *
Mailing address *
Your professional role (i.e. teacher, professor, manager, CEO, clergy, etc.) *
Key affiliations (i.e. company name, school/university name, church/synagogue/mosque name, etc.) *
LinkedIn profile
Other social media profiles, website(s), blog, etc.
What draws you to the Prohuman Ambassador Program? (300 words max) *
What issues, topics, and/or subjects do you think are most challenging surrounding the culture and current events today? (300 words max) *
How should these issues, topics, and/or subjects be addressed in organizations and society? (300 words max) *
How did you learn about the Prohuman Foundation and the Prohuman Ambassador Program? (100 words max) *
Is there any other information you would like to share with us? (100 words max)
The Certified Prohuman Ambassador Program is one year in length and involves monthly (virtual) seminars, pre-work for each session, and two individual activity assignments over the course of the program.  

The kickoff seminar is scheduled for October 22 at noon Eastern Time. Following that, most seminars will take place the third Tuesday of the month at noon Eastern Time and last approximately 60 to 90 minutes. 

Will you be able to commit to this schedule and attend at least 11 of the 12 seminars? 
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