Post-Strike Remediation Survey
In the interest of aiding CUPE 3903 in determining issues that remediation is presenting for its members at the individual level, we are surveying all members. If you held a CUPE position that was running throughout the labour disruption, please complete the following questionnaire. If you held more than one TA/GAship, please complete the form separately for EACH contract. If you were a Unit 1 CD, please complete the form by filling in your own name/course information. If you are in Unit 3, please complete the form, replacing the Course with your Project Name and the Course Director with your Principal Investigator's name.

We are compiling this data in order to help with both the mediation-arbitration process, as well to help identify cases that may eventually be pursued as grievances. This information will be kept safely on a locked hard drive and then forwarded on to the Chief Steward for Units 1 and 3.

Brevity is key - keep it to the key details relevant to your case. That being said, enough information is needed to for your case to make sense if explained to an outsider (e.g. your steward, our legal counsel, etc.).

Please note: This is NOT a dispute resolution process. Do not expect immediate answers to any questions that you may have (sorry). This is an information gathering process in order to facilitate the mediation and remediation process, given that we need to present the employer and mediator with a picture of what the process actually looks like for us. It is also an opportunity for us to determine the kinds of questions our members have now that remediation is underway.

Thank you kindly!
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Last Name, First Name *
Email address (the one you check most often) *
Employee Number
Course Name and Number (i.e.: NATS1234A) *
Course Director's Name *
Term (i.e.: Fall/Winter or Winter) *
Total Contract Hours (i.e.: 135 hrs or 270 hrs) *
Hours Completed Before March 5th (Column A on the Remediation Form) *
Total Hours Remaining in Contract (i.e.: If you had 135hrs and completed 85hrs, you have 50 hours remaining) *
Remediation Hours Expected Post-July 25, 2018 (i.e.: based on the above example, the CD may state that you only have 35 hours of work to complete) *
Please explain any issues, anomalies, etc. related to remediation of your course, including issues with hours and/or your CD, program, or department. Be brief, but specific enough to not miss pertinent details. (e.g.: the CD finished the course so there are no remaining hours; all students took assessed grades, so there is only 50% of remaining hours to complete; I completed 100% of my work in the fall; I have completed all 135 hours, but still have 25 hours of remediation to complete, etc.) *
What questions do you have about the course, remediation, or how your hours have been affected? *
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