Join the May 6 train and car convoy to Port Kembla
Sydney Convoy to the Port Kembla Mayday Rally!! 

The South Coast Labour Council is organising a Mayday Demo on Sat May 6th:

Let's all stand with Port Kembla on May 6 and let everyone know that this is no place for a nuclear submarine base! We will not trade billions of dollars in renewable energy investment and thousands of jobs for a submarine parking lot and a gold plated nuclear target on our backs. 

Sydneysiders are meeting at the Lowden Street Carpark next to the Wollongong Train Station, then driving in convoy from there to the demo.  

If travelling by train, the train leaves Sydney Central station at 9.29am to arrive in time for rally. 

Fill in form below to offer a car seat to help us get the biggest possible number down, arrange a lift for yourself or to arrange a seat in the car convoy from Wollongong station to Port Kembla if you are travelling by train.
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How will you get to Wollongong? *
If you can offer a lift how many car spaces do you have? 
If you can offer a lift which suburb are you leaving from?
If you need a lift which suburb are you in?
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