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Amethyst Realms Staff Application
Hello there. Thanks for taking an interest in becoming an Amethyst Realms staff member.
Before applying, ensure you've read;
Amethyst Staff Process -
Good luck with your application.
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* Indicates required question
Preferred Name
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Minecraft Username
Your answer
Discord Tag
Your answer
Are you Multilingual?
Your answer
Have you applied before?
Why did you choose to apply for the staff team?
Your answer
Do you have any past staff experience?
Your answer
Explain a situation where you showed leadership / good handling.
Your answer
You notice a staff member being biased towards/against a player. What do you do?
Your answer
Do you have any connections to current or past staff members?
Your answer
How much time are you willing to contribute to the staff team?
Your answer
A player is asking you questions that you do not know the answer to. What do you do?
Your answer
Are you currently a staff member inside or outside of Minehut?
Your answer
Have you broken any rules on Amethyst Studios now or in the past?
Your answer
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Your answer
Would you rather prioritize sending well-written responses or replying in a short amount of time? Why?
Your answer
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