SWS Volunteer Interest Form 2021-2022
Seattle World School has not currently decided whether tutoring next semester will take place in person, virtually, or a combination of both, but the need for tutors remains and will be higher than ever in the fall.
This form will be used to notify you about tutoring opportunities in the 2021-2022 school year.
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
In what form would you be able to tutor in the 2021-2022 school year, circumstances permitting?  Check all that apply.
What subjects (e.g. math, arts, reading) would you feel comfortable tutoring at the middle and high school level? Please list all, not just your first preference.
Please briefly describe why you would like to volunteer at Seattle World School.
If applicable, please briefly list past experience working with young people and/or teaching.  While not a requirement, experience might be used to place you in different roles in the classroom.
Besides English, are there any other languages you would feel comfortable tutoring in?  This is not at all required, but it might be used to match you to English language learners who speak this language.
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