Cadastre-se na KOWA / Register with KOWA
A empreiteira que se importa com você.
The company who cares about you.
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Email *
Nome completo: *
Full Name: / 氏名
Telefone ou Celular: *
Cell phone: / 連絡先
Gender / 性別
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Já trabalhou na KOWA? *
You've worked in Kowa? / 晃和で仕事したことありますか?
Nacionalidade: *
Nationality: / 国籍
Age / 年齢
Descendência Japonesa: *
Japanese descendant: / 日系の場合
Estado Civil: *
Civil Status: / 配偶者
Tem filhos?
Do you have children? / お子様
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Height: / 身長
Weight: / 体重
Province: / 都道府県
Onde conheceu a KOWA? *
Where do you know about Kowa? / KOWAはどこで知りましたか?
Número do Zairyu Card:
Zairyu Card Number: / 在留カード
Data de Nascimento
Birth / 生年月日
Address: / 住所
Pode mudar?
Can you move? / お引越しできますか?
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Tem animal de estimação?
Do you have pet? / ペットを持ちですか?
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Education / 学歴
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Idioma Japonês?
Japanese language? / 日本語の程度
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Quanto tempo no Japão?
How long in Japan? / 日本に何年いますか?
Região que busca trabalho:
Which region are you looking work / 仕事を希望する地域
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Tipo de servico que procura:
Type of service you are looking for: / 希望の職種
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Tem algum problema de saúde?
Do you have any health problems? / 持病ありますか?
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Tem diabetes?
Do you have diabetes? / 糖尿病
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Está gravida? (para mulher)
You're pregnant? (only for woman) 妊娠(女性の方)
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Bebe alcool?
Drink alcohol? / 飲酒
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Smoke? / 喫煙
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Pressão arterial:
Pressure: / 血圧
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Usa lentes corretivas?
Wear lenses? / 眼鏡
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Possui habilitação do Japão?
Do you have driver license in Japan? / 運転免許証
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Possui alguma qualificação?
Do you have any qualifications? / 何かの資格を持ちですか?
Tem Tatuagem?
Do you have a tattoo? / タトゥーしてますか?
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Onde trabalhou anteriormente? (fábrica e por quanto tempo) *
Where have you worked before? (factory and for how long) 職歴及び期間を教えてください。
Contato de emergência:
Emergency contact: 緊急連絡先
Tel ou Cel
Grau de parentesco:
Degree of relationship: 関係
Nome do Tantosha:
Tantousha name: 担当者と連絡してますか
Deixe seu recado:
Leave your message: メッセージを書いてください
Termo de concordância e politica de privacidade *
Term of agreement and privacy policy / 応募規定に同意します
Envie seu documento / Send yours documents
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Thank you very much! After submitting this form you will be able to upload a document through the link that will appear.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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