ESIC's 2022 - Environmental Sustainability and International Cooperation talk series
Over the last decades, the rapid effects of global change, mostly related with population growth, hectic production systems, and environmental and climate variations, have shown the paramount importance of environmental sustainability for the livelihoods of Earth population and should be managed as a cross-cutting priority. Particular attention should be paid to low-income contexts, where a variety of imbalance and vulnerability factors might threaten or irreversibly affect the integrity of the last remaining near-natural ecosystems.

In this framework, the UNESCO Chair in Engineering for Human and Sustainable Development launches the second edition of ESIC’s, a cycle of Environmental Sustainability and International Cooperation webinars aimed at exploring, together with actors of international cooperation and researchers, key environmental challenges of international interest and possible ways forward, drawing from the state of science and from the experience of local contexts. In each webinar a specific topic will be interactively discussed. In this second edition we will tackle further challenges, such as energy poverty, agrifood supply chain,  environmental conflicts and circular economy, among others, with international speakers from academia, cooperation agencies, companies and NGOs.

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