Picking and Posting
Warm greetings to you, We are students of Central University of Karnataka currently doing MSc in Psychology. We are extremely grateful that you've chosen to participate in our study and we highly appreciate the time and effort that it would take you to completely participate in our study. We request that you completely fill all the details to the best of your knowledge and take time to think about each question before you answer them.
This study is seeking individuals from age 18 to 30 who actively use BeReal or Snapchat and are experiencing acne. Your participation, which will take approximately 15-20 minutes of your time, would be immensely appreciated.Thank You!!
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Participating in this research is completely voluntary. By checking the box below, you confirm you have reviewed this information and agree to participate anonymously. All your responses will be confidential and used only for this research project. 
Name (or initials) *
Email ID *
Mobile Number (whatsapp)
Age *
Sex *
Educational Qualification  *
Employment status *
Which country are you from?
Which of these social media platform are you an active user of? (You can select both) *
How long have you been using Snapchat for?(You can answer "0" if you don't use Snapchat) *
How long have you been using BeReal for?(You can answer "0" if you don't use BeReal) *
For answering the next question, refer to the definitions below

-Pigmentation-dark patches in some areas of skin
-Erythema- abnormal redness of skin due to local inflammation 
-Open comedones(blackheads)- Tiny dark bumps on the skin that look like dark spots.
-Closed comedones(whiteheads)- Tiny bumps on skin
-Papules-A small pimple
-Pustules- A small pimple containing pus
-Nodule- Painful hard lumps or knots under the skin
-Inflammatory acne- Skin condition that causes red, swollen and sore pimples.
How would you describe the severity of the acne in your face?  *
Are you consulting a dermatologist for your acne?
Are you clinically diagnosed with any Psychological or Psychiatric issues? If yes, then kindly specify. *
Answer the next few questions based on your usage of Snapchat or BeReal. If you use Snapchat and BeReal both, then please answer the questions based on BeReal usage only.
How many hours daily do you spend using the Application?
How many days a week do you use this application?
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