Psych Research Survey
We're conducting a natural experiment. The aim of this research project is to determine whether being raised in a South-Asian household makes teenagers less likely to share emotional, academic and/or relationship issues with their family as opposed to teenagers being raised in a Western household.
Email *
Do you belong to a South-Asian household? *
If no, do you belong to a western household? *
If yes, are you a first generation South-Asian? *
Captionless Image
If neither of the two above apply to you, what type of household do you belong to? *
How old are you? *
How likely are you to share your academic issues with your parents/family? *
very unlikely
highly likely
How likely are you to share your relationship issues with your parents/family? *
very unlikely
highly likely
How likely are you to share emotional/mental health issues with your parents/family? *
very unlikely
highly likely
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