Let's dive into your experience with the Olive Finance Testnet.
How would you rate your overall experience with the Olive Finance Testnet?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Did you encounter any issues or bugs while using the testnet?

Please specify any technical glitches, unexpected behaviors, or errors you came across during your testnet experience. If there's more than one, please list them out.
ScreenShots / Screen recording of the bug.

Paste a link to google drive or any other file hosting. Ensure the link has public access on.
How user-friendly did you find the Olive Finance Testnet platform?
Not at all User-Friendly
Very User-Friendly
Which feature(s) did you find most useful?
Which feature(s) do you think need improvement?

Identify any features within the testnet that you found lacking, confusing, or not up to your expectations.
How would you rate the performance and reliability of the testnet?

Taking into account factors like transaction speed, uptime, responsiveness, and consistency, please rate the overall performance and reliability of our testnet platform.
Very Poor
Did you experience any downtime or connection issues? If yes mention below.

Reflect on any instances where the testnet was unavailable, slow to respond, or you faced difficulties connecting. Describe specific instance below.
Do you have any suggestions or additional comments to improve the Olive Finance Testnet?
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