New Member Inquiry
Hello, we're ecstatic you are interested in joining Therapists in Tech! Given that we are a relatively new organization, we would like to balance interest with preserving the mission and values of the community. Please help us understand more about your interest in joining our community!
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Which field best aligns with your current role/occupation? *
What is the name of your role or title?
What is the most advanced degree you have completed? *
Do you hold additional professional certifications or affiliations? *
If you selected yes or other, what is your professional certification or affiliation: *
If you selected no, please write n/a
What is your primary interest in joining the Therapists in Tech Community? *
Please briefly describe how your hope Therapists in Tech will support your primary interest: *
Please provide the link to your LinkedIn Profile, or other collateral that Therapists in Tech can used to validate your background: *
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