Name a few of your
Does your business sell directly to consumers (B2C), or to other businesses (B2B)? If you sell to both, tell us who you mainly sell to.
Are there any businesses in your industry that you think do social media really well? If yes, please note them here:
Which social media platforms would you like content?
*What type of content would you like us to post?
*List up to 10 topics that are relevant to your business and would interest your customers.
Are there any color themes in particular you'd like us to use across your posts? If Yes, Please mention color code.
Please upload high quality images of your logo through a drive link ( Please set the link to open access)
*Would you like to approve your posts before they get scheduled? (Premium and Ultimate plans only)
Is there anything else we missed that you think we should know?
How did you hear about us?