Matt & Blonde Show movie nominator submission form
If you would like the chance to nominate movies for our weekly movie review segment, please submit your email address and name below.


One person will be randomly selected each month to nominate movies for the show to watch and review.  

Upon selection, our assistant Tim will email the winner and he or she will have 48 hours to respond to participate, otherwise Tim will move to another person.  

The movie nominator will select 8 movies, and the audience will vote each week on which to watch throughout the month.  The audience has the option to veto the list each week by voting 'wildcard.'  If the audience selects 'wildcard,' a random IMDb-top rated movie will be selected instead.  

Movie nominations must be rated R or under, and generally available on major distribution platforms.  Obvious troll lists will be dismissed - please make a good-faith effort to nominate movies you enjoy.  

Do not submit your email address multiple times.  Once your email address is submitted, you are eligible for selection each month going forward.  

Your email address will be kept strictly private and will not be shared with any third party.  Your email address can be removed from the list at any time - for removal, please contact Matt by email,  
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