RSVP: Meet Mack Monday
RSVP to let me know what issues should be covered at my next Meet Mack Zoom meeting on 21 October 2024. See below for possible discussion topics. Upon completion of this form you will be shown the login information. Even if you cannot attend, I will send you links to the discussion and background information

This is not an official Newtown Township meeting. It is hosted by Newtown Supervisor John Mack to learn more about issues of concern to Newtown Township residents and to share ideas on important issues.

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Tell me if you are able to attend or not. If not, you can still fill out the form to receive a summary of the meeting afterward. *
First and Last Name *
Email Address (login and other info will be sent to this address) *
Mobile Phone Number (used only to send you login info if you do not open the email invite) *
What town do you live in? *
OPTIONAL: Suggested Topics: Which Are of Interest to You? (Feel free to add others)
OPTIONAL: Please provide any comments or questions you have, including suggestions for other topics.
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Thanks for your response. Here is the information you need to login to the Zoom meeting:

Time: Oct 21, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 2102 5800
Passcode: 612393

Via phone: 646-558-8656

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