Lawrenceville "Buddy" System Sign-Up for COVID-19
The CDC states that older adults and individuals with serious chronic medical conditions are at higher risk for serious illness from Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), and recommends that community/faith leaders establish a "buddy" system "to ensure vulnerable and hard-to-reach community members stay connected to COVID-19-related news and services."

With that in mind and in anticipation of the weeks ahead, Lawrenceville United encourages residents "to seek out a 'buddy' who will check on and help care for them if they get sick." For residents who don't know how to seek out a "buddy," Lawrenceville United will try to help match members of vulnerable populations to willing community volunteers who can provide check-in phone calls, share information, and POSSIBLY help with services such as shopping, picking up/delivering medicine, cooking a meal, etc. We will match people based on services needed/offered and location.

If you're interested in being matched with a "buddy," either as a member of a high risk population, or as a community volunteer, please complete the form below.

Note: This information will remain confidential to Lawrenceville United and will not be used for any other purpose than setting up the buddy system; no information will be shared with other residents until permission is granted from the match. Please tell your neighbors that they can also sign up by calling LU at 412-802-7220 (leave a message if there's no answer) -- help us get word out to hard-to-reach folks!
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