The Mega Poll
1137 questions
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What is your gender? *
Which is a more romantic Valentine's gift? *
I'd rather live in a house on... *
Which century would you prefer to live in? *
Which color do you like better? *
Have you ever written a fan letter? *
Which sport do you prefer to watch on TV? *
Do you brush your teeth before or after breakfast? *
What temperature do you prefer? *
The next American Idol winner will be? *
How tall would you say you are? *
Which smells worse? *
I'd rather be a famous... *
Do you belong to a fan club? *
By this time next year, I will be... *
Do you have a dog or cat? *
Which do you prefer? *
Which do you do last before going to bed? *
Have you ever won more than $1,000? *
Can you play a musical instrument? *
I'd rather be a famous... *
Which of these famous people would you rather meet? *
Which seat do you prefer in an airplane? *
Which kind of movie do you prefer? *
Which type of TV show do you prefer? *
Can you snap your fingers? *
Which would you rather drive? *
Which hot drink do you prefer? *
If you owned a robot, what would you have it do? *
Which type of food do you prefer? *
Do you wear perfume or cologne? *
Where would you prefer to sit when you read? *
Which came first? *
Which do you use more often? *
Have aliens ever visited the Earth? *
Does everyone have an identical twin somewhere? *
Have you ridden a public bus in the last month? *
How do you prefer to buy music? *
Which would you rather ride for ten hours? *
Have you weighed yourself in the last month? *
Is there such a thing as a soul mate? *
What ability would you most like to have? *
Which is a better predictor of the future? *
Which do you usually pick in a coin flip? *
You meet a famous person. Which would you rather have? *
From whom would you prefer to receive advice? *
What wish would you ask a genie to grant? *
What trick would you like to teach your dog? *
In which reality show would you like to participate? *
Which is worse to have stolen from you? *
Which could you live without for one week? *
My dreams are in... *
Graffiti is... *
If a friend needs a kidney, will you donate yours? *
Do you think there is life on other planets? *
Have you ever peeked at a gift and rewrapped it? *
Do you prefer to be the passenger or the driver? *
Which would you rather see? *
Which world problem would you like to solve first? *
I wish people would say this more often: *
Which language would you prefer to learn? *
Where can you eat the best food? *
Where do you sing more often? *
Who would you say is the best hockey player? *
Which type of TV show do you prefer? *
Do you avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk? *
Which would you like to improve? *
Which are you more afraid of? *
I'd rather have invented the... *
Would you prefer to go... *
How many US states have you visited? *
Which is the better shopping deal? *
How many US presidents can you name? *
Do you sleep with your bedroom window open or closed? *
Which would you rather visit? *
I wish people would do this more often: *
Which would you rather receive? *
Which hurts more? *
Which is more important? *
What annoys you more? *
Is it called pop or soda? *
How many meals per week do you eat in a restaurant? *
Where do you go to enjoy yourself most often? *
When making decisions, are you . . . *
Which is more likely to grant your wish? *
Are you afraid of speaking in front of groups? *
You're given an opportunity to live on another planet but can't return to Earth. Do you go? *
Do you sometimes talk aloud to yourself? *
Which is the luckier number? *
Would you erase part of your past if you could? *
How do you prefer to travel while on vacation? *
Are you an introvert or extrovert? *
Which bothers you more? *
Which plays a greater part in your decisions at a grocery store? *
Where do you prefer to watch movies? *
Which would you rather have more of? *
Which couldn't you live without? *
How do you see a zebra? *
Which sound irritates you more? *
Is there such a thing as a stupid question? *
Which do you spend more time doing? *
You have plans when it starts raining. What do you do? *
Which will happen first? *
Someone has knocked over a store display. Do I . . . *
When approaching someone, which are you more likely to do? *
When lost, which are you more likely to do? *
Where do you like to sit on a bus? *
Which do you find more unlucky? *
During dinner, is your TV usually on or off? *
Are you first or last to wake-up in your home? *
Telephone poles are made from? *
Which kind of Halloween costume do you prefer? *
Do you wear a costume on Halloween? *
Which is colder? *
Which would you rather dive into? A swimming pool full of . . . *
Which kind of water tastes better? *
How do you react to thunder and lightning? *
Which would you rather do? *
Where do you wear your watch? *
What do you think of suntans? *
Which do you consider the first day of the week? *
You're thirsty for milk, but there's not enough for a full glass. What do you do? *
Which is luckier? *
Which dog are you most like? *
How do you see professional wrestling? *
What do you think of sushi? *
Which would you rather be? *
Which could you do without if you had to? *
If you forgot a loved one's birthday, would you: *
Do you floss every day? *
Would you rather be . . . *
How do you get your news? *
Do you blow bubbles with your gum? *
Can you name all of your father's uncles? *
How often do you get your hair cut? *
Do you take daily vitamin supplements? *
How many keys do you have on your key ring? *
After you've finished chewing gum, do you . . . *
Which do you prefer more? *
Can you recite the alphabet backward? *
How much do you sleep? *
Do you check the nutrition labels on food? *
Do you sneeze with your eyes open or closed? *
Do you prefer to set your clock forward or back one hour? *
Can you touch your nose with your tongue? *
Which do you do more of? *
When you have good and bad news, which do you say first? *
A cheesecake is . . . *
Can you do a cartwheel? *
If you could turn back time, would you? *
Do you sleep on your side or on your back? *
Which do you own more of? *
Which food do you order more often for home delivery? *
Do you still watch movies on VHS? *
If you accidentally spill salt, do you throw a pinch over your shoulder? *
Do you wear white clothes after Labor Day? *
Do you recycle? *
When you want snack food, which do you select more often? *
Do you sing along to the car radio? *
When I come home, I take off my shoes: *
If you could fast-forward time, would you? *
Have you traveled further than 100 miles to attend a sporting event? *
Which leads to more personal success? *
I'd prefer to live in a house that has a . . . *
Do you ride to work/school . . . *
Do you prefer rain or snow? *
Would you continue to work if you won the lottery? *
If you were stuck on a deserted island with one food, which would you prefer? *
Do you usually turn your computer off or leave it on after using it? *
What does a yellow light on a traffic signal mean? *
When listening to the radio, I prefer . . . *
How do you prefer to drink tea? *
Do you prefer to work out at a gym or outdoors? *
I feel like I'm better at . . . *
Which do you prefer? *
Which is cooler? *
What's the better dip for tortilla chips? *
If you had to use less of something in your house, what would it be? *
Peanut butter and . . . *
Instruction manuals . . . *
Which sport was first invented in 1891? *
On a warm day driving/riding in a car, I prefer to have. . . *
Do you dig for the prize inside cereal boxes before you eat? *
Do you sleep with a night-light? *
Do you do exercises to train your brain? *
How many New Year's resolutions have you broken so far? *
Have you changed your hair/clothing style in the past year? *
How do you act compared to your age? *
Which best describes your cooking ability? *
Where do you usually sit during a group event? *
Cookies with . . . *
If I could volunteer my help, I would . . . *
Have you ever found yourself reading a dictionary for fun? *
Have you ever celebrated National Corn-Dog Day? *
Can an elephant purr like a cat? *
I prefer to . . . *
Digital photos . . . *
Do you believe horoscopes are accurate? *
How would you describe your daily diet? *
I'm better at . . . *
Do you feel you're up to date on current world events? *
Do you consider yourself more of a . . . *
I prefer to look at a . . . *
Which are more bothersome? *
When was the last time you rode a bicycle? *
Have you used your cell phone to surf the Internet before? *
Do you still own a record player? *
How many digits of Pi can you recite? *
A glass half full, or a glass half empty? *
A friend tells a lie, and you're asked to confirm their story. Do you . . . *
A picture is . . . *
Which is more important to exercise daily? *
Are political debates . . . *
Do you feel we're living in . . . *
Which do you think there are more of in the world? *
Are you ambidextrous? *
If it's a warm, sunny day outside, would you view this with . . . *
In an elevator, do you stare at the floor numbers or at others? *
Bowling or golf? Which is more of an athletic sport? *
Are you making a daily attempt to "go green"? *
Do you have any phobias (fear of spiders, heights, etc.)? *
Sharing an entree at a restaurant? *
At this time next year, blogging will be . . . *
Which is more difficult to learn? *
Have you ever had braces on your teeth? *
How well do you know the candidates running for president? *
How do your friends address you? *
Which application would be more useful on a cell phone? *
Do you prefer to take notes . . . *
How many books have you read in the last year? *
Which would you rather have each year? *
I give my pets . . . *
Feeding a dog from the table is . . . *
How do you feel about skydiving? *
Do you know who is buried in Grant's tomb? *
When driving, which do you use more? *
Do you remember your 11th birthday? *
Which do you use more often to communicate? *
Do you remember the name of the first school you attended? *
How many music concerts have you attended in the last year? *
Which discovery has been more beneficial? *
How many television sets are in your home? *
Do you dress your pet(s) in costumes? *
Which is the more interesting subject? *
Which do you think provides a better health benefit to you? *
Do you give to charity? *
Do you smile with your mouth open or closed? *
Are you on friendly terms with your neighbors? *
What task would be least preferable to do? *
Do you bring your own candy to the movie theatre? *
Which would annoy you more? *
Would you rather water-ski or snow-ski? *
Have you ever cheated in school? *
What would the ideal birthday party be like? *
You're going swimming. What do you do? *
Have you ever had gum stuck in your hair? *
Do you believe in love at first sight? *
Do you prefer finding the best parking spot for your car or the first available? *
Which personality trait annoys you more? *
Who do you ask for advice most often? *
Why do you exercise? *
Do you use the Internet every day? *
What do you do last when going to bed? *
Are you addicted to any TV show? *
Do you usually send holiday cards? *
In your personal life, do you like to plan or go with the flow? *
Which ocean has the deepest point? *
Is your next computer purchase going to be a . . . *
Is the Earth the only planet in the universe inhabited by intelligent beings? *
As a contestant on a TV variety show, would you prefer to . . . *
Have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet? *
Given the choice, would you rather . . . *
Which are you more likely to lose? *
Does soda taste better out of a . . . *
Which technology would you prefer to see go away? *
How long did it take to decide what to wear on the first day of school/a new job? *
Which do you usually do first? *
Do you believe an underwater civilization existed? *
Do you refer to your parents as . . . *
Volunteers are needed for a project. Which would you prefer to do? *
Are doors best left . . . *
You've caught yourself daydreaming. Are you thinking about something . . . *
Does the sun feel warmer at . . . *
Space travel will be available to everyone soon. Would you go if you had the chance? *
Which do you think are more amazing to see? *
When knocking on someone's door, do you use . . . *
Which would make you feel worse . . . *
Have you ever fallen going UP the stairs? *
Which would taste better right now? *
If you had a hole in your sock, would you . . . *
If you're missing a sock, where is it likely to be found? *
What do you do after reading an e-mail? *
You're taking notes in a meeting/class. Do you prefer to . . . *
I wish I could be a . . . *
Do you sing in the shower? *
You have superpowers. Would you use them for . . . *
What's the best way to eat spaghetti without splattering sauce? *
You'd like to make a sizable donation to a charity. Do you do so . . . *
You've spilled juice on the floor. Which do you prefer to clean up with? *
Are you taller than your parents? *
Which color of blue do you prefer? *
You're presented with a complex problem. Do you try and solve it . . . *
Which do you consider more relaxing to hear? *
For your birthday gifts, do you prefer . . . *
Will personal space travel to Mars happen in your lifetime? *
Do you hang toilet paper from the . . . *
Five years from now, gas prices will be . . . *
Would you rather be in front of or behind the camera? *
Which shoe do you tie first? *
Would you rather . . . *
Given an opportunity to vacation anywhere and at no cost, how would you get there? *
A man would like a fish. Do you . . . *
When speaking to someone, do you make eye contact? *
Is it harder for you to forgive someone or to ask for forgiveness? *
Do you prefer to purchase . . . *
If you were stuck on an island, would you . . . *
Is your house/room more . . . *
If you find change on the ground, do you keep it? *
What would you choose if you had to decide between . . . *
Which do you think are more amazing to see? *
Can you sing and play an instrument at the same time? *
You like your favorite song more for the . . . *
During TV commercials, do you . . . *
When going somewhere, do you like to . . . *
Would you rather be stuck . . . *
At the movies, do you prefer . . . *
You've noticed a carton of milk is a week past its expiration date. Do you . . . *
Can you whistle using a blade of grass? *
Would you rather . . . *
Do you prefer to . . . *
On a bunk bed, do you prefer to sleep on . . . *
If you were lost in the woods, which would you prefer? *
Your coworker calls in sick. You think . . . *
Restaurant menus . . . *
Are you a better . . . *
Do you live in the state you were born in? *
It's your birthday. Which do you think more about? *
Have you ever purchased anything from an infomercial on TV? *
After bad service, a waiter gives you your entree for free. Do you . . . *
If you leave a room for just a minute, do you . . . *
A new movie has been released that you're interested in seeing. Do you . . . *
Which is more interesting to visit? *
Have you visited your nation's capital city? *
How often do you get your hair cut? *
Is it more difficult to live in a . . . *
Do you have a family tradition that you plan to carry forward? *
How do you check the weather report? *
Which do you believe affects your future more? *
Which stirs your sense of smell and sound more? *
When traveling to a faraway destination, I'd prefer to . . . *
If you could donate one of these, which would be more fulfilling to you? *
If someone asks you for money, are you typically . . . *
Which is a more telling sign that someone may not be telling the truth? *
If you have a hunger pain, which would satisfy your stomach more . . . *
If you use a computer a lot, is penmanship still an important skill? *
Do you have online friends that you've never met in person? *
Which ingredient is more important in cooking? *
Have you ever had a dream come true? *
How many activities do you participate in each week (outside of work/school)? *
Which fruit is more fragrant? *
Are you more likely to enter your house through the . . . *
Which is a more pleasant smell? *
Which is a better hamburger topping? *
Do you use an online social-networking service? *
Which do the women in your family have more of: *
Do you charge your cell phone every night? *
What is the most appropriate age to begin carrying a cell phone? *
Faced with a small repair, which would you choose to use first? *
On a typical Saturday afternoon, are you most likely . . . *
I want people to know me as . . . *
Do cows from different regions have a unique vocal accent when they moo? *
It's the day before a long-awaited vacation. Are you . . . *
When listening to music for the first time, which captures your attention first? *
Have you achieved a childhood goal or aspiration (e.g., I want to be a fireman)? *
Which skill or talent would most likely get you a job in a circus? *
Which are you most likely to look at when you first get to school/work? *
Which is a better indication that fall is just around the corner? *
How long does a typical bar of soap last? *
Only one of these can be seen from space. Which one is it? *
Do you feel that the color white is more representative of . . . *
If you're on a phone call with just one person, is it rude to use a speakerphone? *
Which do you receive more of? *
Is cursive handwriting a lost art? *
What causes a rain cloud to become dark in color? *
How often do you clean out unused items in your wallet/purse? *
Which do you prefer to use? *
Generally, which has a larger population of people? *
When traveling, which do you typically forget more often? *
Which type of cheese is better for attracting and catching mice? *
Over your lifetime, how many different types of pets have you had? *
Who shot first? Han or Greedo? *
What order should everyone watch the Star Wars franchise? *
How many songs can you name that contain a US state name in the title? *
Which do you deem to be a greater achievement? *
If you could speak to any country's leader, which topic would you prefer to discuss? *
Is purchasing bottled water a luxury expense or a convenience? *
Have you ever tried to use the Force like Luke Skywalker? *
Do you read the Sunday-morning comics in the newspaper? *
Do you consider yourself to be more of a . . . *
Have you ever given someone a poem you've written? *
Was/Is your favorite poster hanging in your room likely to be a picture of . . . *
Is any part of Darth Vader a 'good guy'? *
Which droid would you like to help with your chores? *
Do you appreciate good penmanship? *
How many buttons on your TV remote control do you use on a regular basis? *
Which is the most prized statistical category in baseball? *
What's your favorite subject in school? *
Do you feel you're smarter now or when you were younger? *
When making a sandwich, which one of these condiments do you use more frequently? *
Do you play/do activities more often . . . *
Which of these do you feel is the greater invention? *
Which pasta dish do you prefer? *
Which do you prefer to use when listening to music? *
Which product is recycled more often? *
What part of a team-sports season best defines their success that year? *
If you drank a liter of soda and weighed yourself, would you . . . *
During a typical year, how often will your photograph be taken by another person? *
Which toy do you think a cat will enjoy playing with more? *
Which is easiest to remember? *
Which do you think would keep you cooler? *
Which type of mint freshens your breath best? *
How often do you check your weight? *
Who does most of your household chores (cleaning, cooking, yard work)? *
Which of these do you think you use more often? *
Do you check your horoscope on a regular basis? *
For lunch, are you more likely to . . . *
You've taken notes at a meeting/class. How likely are you to reread them? *
Which one of these makes a more casual fashion statement? *
Are you more likely to hang out with your friends at . . . *
How often do you visit the library? *
Which of these senses best evokes an image of a carnival? *
Both zucchinis and tomatoes are often mistaken for . . . *
Comic books and action figures are . . . *
If you were left alone on a desert island, which skill is more important? *
Who do you spend more of your free time with? *
How long do you think you could hold your breath underwater? *
When you text-message someone, are you more likely to use . . . *
If both had the same flavor, which would you pick up first? *
Which of these sports do you most fear doing? *
On your birthday, which would you prefer? *
When ordering food at a restaurant, are you fussy with your order? *
Are there any embarrassing photos of you posted online? *
Can you keep a secret? *
What do you think there are more of on the planet? *
Does your alarm clock wake you by using the . . . *
How many of your friends' and family's phone numbers can you recite by memory? *
If you were granted a wish, would you make your wish for . . . *
You've found an exceptional deal on an item you don't really need. Do you . . . *
When you answer "in a minute," what do you really mean? *
Can you identify more than one constellation in the night sky? *
When friends describe you to others, are they likely to lead with . . . *
Which of these two items was invented first? *
A friend is late meeting you at the mall and their cell phone is turned off. Do you . . . *
If the color of the sky weren't blue, which of these colors do you wish it could be? *
What is a rhinoceros's horn made out of? *
Do you consider yourself to be luckier . . . *
If a person you're calling doesn't answer the phone, are you more likely to . . . *
Given the choice, which would make you feel more uncomfortable? *
From which part of the tube do you squeeze toothpaste? *
On a typical day, how many steps do you think you take? *
What's your fashion style? *
Do you have a close friend that has the same first name as yours? *
Which do you prefer to freshen your breath with? *
You have a really big secret to share. Who do you tell first? *
How many planets do you believe are in our solar system? *
Can elephants walk on their tiptoes? *
Is a T-shirt considered . . . *
Are you ready to give up your home phone line and just use a cell phone? *
How many pens/pencils do you typically have on your desk? *
In your home, which do you think you have more of? *
How many hours a day do you think a typical person spends surfing the Internet? *
It's a Saturday evening. Where are you more likely to be? *
Once you've read a magazine, how long do you keep it before recycling it? *
When someone gives you a gift, how do you usually send a thank-you note? *
What does rain smell like? *
When meeting a group of people for the first time, is it better to be . . . *
Which fast-food sandwich do you prefer? *
Which musical era had more songs that can be considered classics? *
Will electronic books/newspapers ever replace printed books/newspapers? *
On a hot day, which would you prefer to cool down with? *
When using a laptop, which is easier to navigate with? *
Do you know which mountain is the tallest? *
When planning a vacation, which influences your choice of destination more? *
Would you prefer your friends be . . . *
Has technology . . . *
How long do you own a cell phone before purchasing another? *
When planning to purchase an expensive item, which are you more likely to do? *
What's the first facial feature that you notice? *
Have you achieved a life goal yet? *
Have you wished for something that occurred in this past year? *
If you could trade knowledge or a skill you have for something else, would you? *
Which skill are you better at? *
Are drive-in movie theaters . . . *
Can you recall five newsworthy events that occurred in your birth year? *
When dining out, which is more important to you? *
How long have you known your best friend? *
At a family/friend get-together, which activity would you suggest for fun? *
When ordering at a restaurant with a group of friends, do you usually . . . *
Which are you more fussy about? *
You have excellent writing skills. Which would you prefer to be? *
When reading a novel, do you . . . *
When studying for a test, do you typically . . . *
Do you feel you have too many activities scheduled each week? *
You've decided to volunteer for community service. Which group would you help? *
When dining out, which are you more likely to choose? *
When did you receive your first paycheck (not including allowance)? *
Which do you most fear visiting? *
On a typical weekend, are you more likely to eat . . . *
Who has been more of a mentor to you? *
In your desk, what office supply do you typically have more of than you need? *
Which of these would be more difficult to maintain? *
Do you think food products are now . . . *
Is the type of food you eat more diverse or ethnic than it was five years ago? *
Which of these two do you think falls faster? *
When storing leftovers, what type of container are you more likely to use? *
When eating out with friends, who usually asks/reaches for the bill first? *
How often do you see movies in a movie theater? *
How many jackets/coats do you own? *
Which do you have more of in your house? *
During the weekend, are you more likely to eat dinner . . . *
Why do dogs stick their heads out of car windows? *
Which sport do you think is tougher to learn? *
The average American consumes 24 lbs. of pizza per year. *
Which is the most comfortable position to sleep in? *
You've won a prize and have your choice of an airline ticket. Which do you choose? *
As you're falling asleep, do you prefer to hear . . . *
Have you ever seen a shooting star? *
My family would never let me play this instrument . . . *
What color is a polar bear's skin under their white fur? *
When you see a penny, do you . . . *
At an amusement park, what do you typically do first? *
Wow, you're still answering these questions? *
If you could visit a major city for one day, what would you prefer to do? *
Do you get annual flu shots? *
At your wedding reception, would you rather have . . . *
When nervous, are you more likely to . . . *
If someone had food stuck in their teeth, would you . . . *
I think it would be more fun to . . . *
The best thing about spring is . . . *
When I go to a party, I like to . . . *
What completes a cool outfit? *
It would be awesome to have a . . . *
If you have a dog or cat, does it sleep . . . *
Have you ever carpooled or thought about it? *
Which type of soap do you prefer using to wash your hands? *
What celebratory move do you like better? *
How many pillows do you prefer to sleep with? *
Wearing socks with sandals: yes or no? *
Which is your favorite to watch? *
Which power would you rather have? *
If it’s too hot to fall asleep, do you . . . *
What kind of toothbrush do you use? *
Movie then dinner, or dinner then movie? *
If everyone lost five pounds, would it throw the earth off its gravitational pull? *
Do bees get wax in their ears? *
Which environment would you most like to explore? *
Which animal most embodies power? *
When serving food, does the color/style of dish make the food look better? *
Which natural phenomenon would you rather see? *
Which natural disaster frightens you most? *
Which do you enjoy more? *
Are bald men sexier than men with hair? *
How do you prefer to experience a story first? *
What’s more important to you in the way you dress? *
When does the moon look better? *
The advent of intelligent robots is . . . *
How do you eat corn on the cob? *
Are you fluent in more than one language? *
Everything would be fine if only . . . *
When food falls on the floor, which rule is in effect? *
Your significant other is dressed atrociously. Do you . . . *
How do you know the pasta’s done? *
Which is better for taking naps? *
Which smells better? *
Which is the superior piece of playground equipment? *
If people wore fruit instead of clothes, how would we wear watermelons? *
If an item of clothing no longer fits? Do you . . . *
When ordering at a restaurant, do you typically . . . *
Pumpkin carving . . . *
Do you have any clothing that has more than five colors? *
If work or school starts at 9 a.m., is that . . . *
Notebook paper . . . *
If you woke up in the middle of the night, would you . . . *
When you are trying to concentrate . . . *
You gaze at the clouds to . . . *
The shape of a pizza should be . . . *
Can people sneeze when sleeping? *
The price of bottled water compared to soda . . . *
You usually buy new socks because of . . . *
Hippos produce this color of fluid to coat their body . . . *
What are the plastic parts at the end of your shoelaces called? *
Do you use your coins/change to pay? *
You found $20 while standing in line-- do you ask if it belongs to someone? *
Do you listen to music from other countries? *
Do you enjoy watching construction take place? *
The "AC" in AC/DC of electrical signals means . . . *
Is a strawberry a fruit or vegetable? *
If you had to wear a T-shirt with a saying on it, what would it say? *
If you played a game against someone much younger, would you let them win? *
If you get lost, do you find yourself wanting to turn . . . *
When you listen to music alone, do you find yourself . . . *
On a long road trip, do you leave your shoes on or take them off? *
Have you ever had a haircut you'd like to forget? *
The design of your living room is mostly . . . *
What is the largest internal organ in the body? *
Bathroom signs, better displayed with . . . *
Is "euouae" a word? *
When you first wake up, how long do you stay in bed before starting your day? *
When drying your hands, do you prefer a towel or electric air dry? *
Do you have flowers in your home? *
What color of packaging catches your attention? *
If you created a new invention, you'd want it to be an invention that's . . . *
What country's capital city has the longest name? *
In a day, how often do you look at yourself in the mirror? *
Do you know someone that still has dial-up Internet? *
When boarding a plane, do you like to board first or last? *
If you had to choose one hobby to try out for a year, which would you choose? *
If you find a gift card on the ground, what do you do? *
If someone was wearing a shirt inside out, would you tell them? *
Can you play a musical instrument? *
Do you use a mobile phone as an alarm clock? *
If you had a bad toothache, how long would you wait until you went to the dentist? *
How many products do you have car chargers for? *
Do you make a sound when you drink water? *
Who is the only US president granted a patent? *
In playing cards, which king is without a mustache? *
In this country, tipping your waiter is an insult! *
If you could take a cruise, would you go to . . . *
How many vacation days do you take per year? *
At a movie theater, which armrest is yours? *
The only city located on two continents is . . . *
Which city was originally named "Pig's Eye"? *
Windmills always turn counterclockwise, except in . . . *
People in Siberia often buy this frozen on a stick . . . *
Have you seen a movie in 3-D? *
When going to the movies with your mobile phone, do you . . . *
Have you ever met triplets before? *
A full moon is brighter than a half moon . . . *
If a man says, “Everything I say to you is a lie,” is he . . . *
A runner always needs . . . *
About how many miles do you think you travel on wheels in a week? *
After a day, which side of a sock is dirtier? *
After using a toothpick, what do you do with it? *
Are most smart and famous people right-handed? *
Which occurs more frequently? Rivers flowing. . . *
Which do you think would happen first? I. . . *
Does the pitch of a tuning fork change as it "slows down" (i.e., runs out of energy)? *
If you were floating in space, do you believe there is an up or down direction? *
What's the best way to remind yourself of something important? *
Which annoys you more in a crowded elevator? *
Do you feel more comfortable shopping online or at the store? *
Which of these items do you misplace more often? *
At an amusement park, what's the longest you've waited in line for a ride? *
Do you spend more time texting or talking on the phone? *
Do you think your pet understands your moods (e.g., happy, sad)? *
Do you think in pictures or words? *
The next time you listen to music, how many instruments can you identify? *
What's more important for you to have on a sunny day? *
I go to the mall to. . . *
The background on your computer/laptop is a photo of. . . *
When you wear socks, which side do you put on first? *
The color alizarin is most similar to which of these primary colors? *
Which of these activities do you prefer doing at home? *
Which area has the coldest temperatures? *
Are you more likely to get locked out of your house or your car? *
What do you like most about the holidays? *
If you stayed up all night, you'd most likely be. . . *
Which gets cold more often - feet or hands? *
When you get a bad haircut, what are the typical comments? *
Which weighs more, an elephant or blue whale? *
When looking at a stranger, this expression brings a smile to your face. . . *
What's the best way to forget about a song that's stuck in your head? *
How long was the longest timeframe you've been sick? *
Someone drops a package while trying to open the door, you help them by. . . *
When you have to take a test, do you feel more nervous. . . *
When you first turn on the TV, do you. . . *
Which of these has more vitamin C (mg/100 g)? *
Which kind of lemonade tastes better? *
Which would be easier, to find ten words that start with. . . *
When you are trying to sleep, this event would annoy you more. . . *
You're asked to help sing at a karaoke event, do you say. . . *
You're at a waiting room. Do you. . . *
When you look outside at night, what do you notice first? *
You have mostly group photos or individual photos of yourself? *
When someone asks you to pick a random number, do you usually pick. . . *
By 2050, cars will be mass-produced to. . .By 2050, cars will be mass-produced to. . . *
When you are part of a group photo, do you. . . *
Growing up, were your shoes usually one size too big? *
Do you scan through or just delete your junk e-mail? *
Do you usually print your digital pictures? *
Do you think your brain works harder when you are asleep or awake? *
Would you say clouds resemble people or animals more? *
What's the first thing you notice that makes you feel older? *
Without a clock or watch, how would you check for time? *
Can you fall asleep quickly after you get in bed? *
If you go to an all-you-can-eat restaurant, do you eat for. . . *
Does music help change your mood? *
Do you think one size fits all works well for socks? *
How old do you think you'll be when you have enough money to retire? *
Have you ever hidden food so that you can eat it all yourself? *
How often have you canceled commitments this year? *
Have you ever tried to predict someone's response? *
When you visit a new area, have you ever gotten lost trying to get home? *
Which side of your face is more photogenic? *
Would you turn on the lights when the sun is shining into the room? *
You went to the drive-thru, and they gave you a wrong order. Do you. . . *
Do you have bigger portions of a meal on your birthday or on a holiday? *
If something is MIP (missing in place), how long before you find it again? *
You thank your family because the best cake you've ever eaten. . . *
Do you typically ponder about the events for tomorrow? *
You usually donate or throw away your clothes because they are. . . *
Do you think people find your handwriting difficult to read? *
When you guesstimate the time of day, are you pretty close to the actual time? *
Do you transfer photos taken with your cell phone to your computer? *
When you are in an airplane, this event would annoy you more. . . *
In problem solving, do you see the can-do list or can't-do list first? *
When you come up with creative ideas, what do you do with them? *
You're making plans for a group, how many options do you give them? *
Do you think life is more simple now or in a previous generation? *
When thinking of ideas, the best group effort is found in a group with. . . *
What do you think has changed more within the last five years, your body or mind? *
Do your ideas change with the situation or the situation changes with your idea? *
When you are done with an exam, do you go back and check your answers? *
How many times do you attempt to do something before you ask for help? *
Do you have a list of stuff you'd like to do before you turn a certain age? *
In a typical day, when do you usually feel like having a snack? *
The word "Robot" was first introduced by a writer from which country? *
Which of these winter activities would be interesting to try? *
What do you think is the greatest invention of all time? *
What do you think is the most useful resource to have? *
Are restroom soap dispensers usually on the left- or right-hand side? *
When texting, do you use punctuation? *
You'd rather know how dinosaurs developed or how they became extinct? *
How often do you look at the clock throughout the day? *
Are you living in the same city that your parents grew up in? *
Do you have similar hobbies as those in your family? *
Does your list of favorite foods change throughout the year? *
Do you usually yell or make sounds when something scares you? *
If a hermit crab loses his shell, is it considered unclothed or homeless? *
Excluding dinner, which meal of the day do you skip most often? *
Do your fondest memories included a large group or one other person? *
For dessert, what's the first image that comes to your mind? *
What do you think you see more on the roads, light- or dark-colored cars? *
Which of the 50 US states is farthest east? *
When getting dressed, do you choose your pants or shirt first? *
What color scheme is more common with New Year's celebrations? *
People say you look more like your mom or dad? *
What type of discount catches your attention more? *
What do you think is more important in your road to life? *
Which country has the most cell-phone subscribers? *
When you are in a very good mood, do others around you notice? *
When was the last time you played-hide and-seek? *
Winners of the game Rock, Paper, Scissors usually win because of. . . *
The most difficult item to shop for is. . . *
If you hear a song that you like, do you try to get it? *
How often do you check e-mail in a day? *
Which country has the most billionaires? *
Is your special talent based on brain power or physical ability? *
What is more difficult when buying a present. Finding the. . . *
What is more organized, your desk at work/ school or desk at home? *
Do you prefer taking a bath or shower. . . *
The typical reason you watch TV is because you. . . *
I rearrange my room or home. . . *
Bread crusts. . . *
Do you eat your favorite food more than once a week? *
If you lost something special somebody gave you, do you. . . *
If you have a lucky charm, how often do you take it with you? *
Corrective glasses should make you look . . . *
Do you typically look at the shape of candy before eating it? *
If you are eating a big burger, would you cut it up or take a big bite? *
Are your money bills organized or is everything mixed together? *
Most mountain ranges stretch north and south or east and west? *
What country has the most number of lakes? *
Which of these weather sounds is more pleasing to hear? *
When singing does your tune flow with the music notes? *
When is a good time to tell your family about an impulsive purchase? *
When deciding on a restaurant, what do you trust more? *
Do you typically write by printing or in cursive? *
When giving directions, do you identify landmarks or street names? *
With orange juice, do you prefer pulp or no pulp? *
I can type faster than I can write. . . *
How long does the festive decorations stay up after the holiday? *
Which do you believe in more? *
Morning sun is hotter than evening sun. *
Who do you think is the more remarkable scientist? *
Do you think there is life on other planets? *
Would you rather go to a carnival or fair? *
If you hear the word chocolate, your reaction is to imagine the. . . *
In your home, which of these condiments is more full? *
After eating cereal, do you drink the milk or throw it away? *
You address your father as. . . *
Are you able to concentrate better in the morning or afternoon? *
If someone tells you the ending of a book, would you still read it? *
What does the acronym VHS, found on videocassette players, stand for? *
Is your favorite number even or odd? *
What do you think employers value more, education or experience? *
Dishes gets washed right after use or in a batch? *
When you imagine an exotic island, the first image that comes to mind is . . . *
Do you sometimes carry money in your pants pocket? *
Do you prefer chunky or smooth peanut butter? *
Even when hot, I usually sleep with at least one blanket. *
My drinks are usually stored in this type of cup or bottle. . . *
I made a slight mess at a public area (restaurant, library, etc.), I'd. . . *
Should arguments be resolved with a marshmallow or pillow fight? *
What type of biometric recognition would be most popular? *
When I wear shoes with laces, I slip them off. . . *
Chocolate chip cookies tastes better. . . *
I walk around the house. . . *
If someone was giving out money, I'd take. . . *
Do you wear your favorite color of clothing often? *
If a meeting occurs bimonthly, how often does it occur? *
Does bottled water expire? *
When my picture is taken, I usually have on my. . . *
Have you ever eaten breakfast for dinner? *
I hold a sandwich or burger with. . . *
I wash the dishes by. . . *
Icing on a cake is. . . *
How do you put on a shirt? *
How do you react when people praise you? *
You have the day off from work or school, would you rather spend time. . . *
When sick, do you take medicine or let your body heal itself? *
Do you tell people what you like or let them find out on their own? *
If I have to go out in the rain, I take. . . *
My bookshelf is. . . *
When you first wake up, do you stretch or go under the covers? *
When you win an award, do you prefer a medal or a trophy? *
While on vacationing, would you rather ride on an elephant or a camel? *
A sequel to a game you've never played before comes out. Which do you buy first? *
Are elephants really afraid of mice? *
Do you think animals can be categorized as left handed or right handed? *
What does the color green taste like? *
When you sneeze, do you typical sneeze once or multiple times in a row? *
Do you get out of bed on the left side or right side? *
Is it raining now? *
Do you find misplaced money or never lose money? *
Grilled food should be prepared . . . *
French fries with ketchup or another dipping sauce? *
Would you go back in time if you couldn't return? *
Do you exercise in the morning or evening? *
Do you peel a banana all at once or bit by bit? *
Do you believe in ghosts? *
Winter or Summer Olympic Games? *
If I'm at the movies, I'm eating . . . *
The best part about watching movies at home: *
Would you rather be invisible or read minds? *
Have you ever gone 15 mph over the speed limit? *
Do you like your ice cream plain or with toppings? *
Girls take longer to "get ready" than guys. . . *
Water-gun or water-balloon fight? *
Country or rap music? *
You won the lottery. Who do you spend it on? *
All three-day weekends for no summer vacation? *
Is live theater entertaining or boring? *
Did you drive a car before you got a permit? *
Which do you enjoy most: dreams or daydreams? *
Someone in a suit must be going to a . . . *
Book or magazine? *
Have you created an evil laugh for yourself? *
Do you like watching scary movies? *
Which is your preferred method of exercise? *
On a cold day, which hot drink do you prefer? *
My favorite room in my house . . . *
Everyone's laughing but you. Do you join in? *
I can keep a plant alive for . . . *
I'll take the . . . *
Which is more interesting: the sun or the moon? *
Which do you enjoy most: city life or country life? *
Do you think animals tell jokes to each other? *
Do you know how to two-step? *
Would you rather have angry friends or parents? *
Do you use real or artificial firewood? *
Do you enjoy surprises? *
Two fingers are held up. Peace or bunny ears? *
Who knows more about computers? *
Have you made a pro/con list about a crush? *
When someone yawns, does it make you yawn? *
Would you rather be a cartoon hero or villain? *
Would you rather hear a fairy tale or a ghost story? *
What do you do when trying to remember a fact? *
Have you been silly in the background of a picture? *
How do you unpop your ears on an airplane? *
You're cold. Do you wear gloves or mittens? *
What's worse: biting nails or cracking knuckles? *
What's the worst noise imaginable? *
When sick, do you have soup or toast/crackers? *
Have you ever laughed at your own joke? *
Is your biggest pet peeve about others or yourself? *
Which would be worse to clean? *
Which living situation would you prefer? *
Would you rather play the guitar or drums? *
Is it worse to cause a car accident or be in one? *
Are you upset if no one sings "happy birthday"? *
Does looking at stars make you feel tiny? *
What do you do when you're stuck in traffic? *
What's more embarrassing? *
You don't know the answer to a question. You . . . *
What's the best thing about a campfire? *
Did you share a bathroom with your sibling? *
Do you enjoy extreme temperature change? *
Do you prefer mild or sharp cheddar? *
Do you know what a persimmon is? *
Do celebrities like being photographed by paparazzi? *
Are you afraid of heights? *
Nothing scares me! *
Someone pinches you . . . *
Which do you find more terrifying? *
Have you ever jumped on a bed? *
Would you rather be extremely busy or bored? *
Do you think rainbows are . . . *
Do you prefer playing card games or board games? *
One dollar for walking 30 flights of stairs is: *
Rather trip and fall around many or just your crush? *
Will you eat spicy food if you can't drink/eat after? *
Have you ever found valuables buried in the sand? *
Do you have a bedtime ritual prior to falling asleep? *
Which new fad would you create? *
I'd like to live in a . . . *
I'd rather my nickname came from . . . *
The superior pie topping is . . . *
Which could you make more money off of? *
Can you juggle? *
Sword fight or bow and arrows? *
Which is the strangest to imagine? *
Do you like to see food options before ordering? *
Have you left the windows of a car open in rain? *
Your to-do list blows away in the wind . . . *
Do you burn your mouth when eating hot food? *
Which is the easiest for you to remember? *
Which ocean do you enjoy most? *
Is it spelled "sherbet" or "sherbert"? *
Odd things are more likely to happen in . . . *
I've injured myself most when . . . *
Would you rather skip or gallop for an entire day? *
Pizza is best with . . . *
Have you ever shot a BB gun? *
I'd rather spend my time on . . . *
I use this to light something . . . *
Would you buy a full-price item just before a sale? *
Do people get addicted to getting tattoos? *
I'd rather have gold . . . *
Do you read the introduction of a book? *
Would you fly a kite on a windy day? *
How often did you skip class in school? *
Has a stranger seen you dance in your car? *
What type of garden do you prefer? *
Is it a "goose bump" or a "goose pimple"? *
How often do you cry? *
The best thing about a pirate is their . . . *
Do you play games on your cell phone? *
How do you get rid of hiccups? *
Did you ever search online for a good joke to tell? *
Pickle spear or little round slice? *
Are your clocks set 5 minutes fast? *
Cheese says this when you take a picture of it . . . *
Paper or plastic? *
When someone corrects your grammar, you . . . *
Your preferred recreational vehicle to own is . . . *
Do you remember the name of your first crush? *
Your carnival ride of choice is a . . . *
Vacation is coming up. Do you . . . *
Do you like honeybees? *
Do you fly in your dreams? *
When you have homework, you . . . *
What type of cell phone do you prefer? *
Chocolate chips in my cookies . . . *
Can you name all of your first cousins? *
Which do you prefer for breakfast? *
When it comes to animated film, you prefer . . . *
The main entrance to your home is . . . *
When your yard is overgrown, you . . . *
When purchasing a movie, you . . . *
When you select a beverage, you go with . . . *
In a movie theater, which armrest is yours? *
Do you ever wear socks that don't match? *
When you are asleep, do you yawn? *
Would you let a pet eat from the table? *
Which subject is more important to learn? *
Crayon or paintbrush? *
Which animal would you rather be in a race? *
Do you whistle while you work? *
Soup or salad? *
When you hear "football," you think . . . *
Does a woodchuck chuck wood? *
You find a message in a bottle. You . . . *
If you weren't you, would you be friends with you? *
New York City . . . *
White or wheat bread? *
Have you ever pretended to be sick? *
Would you prefer one close friend or five pals? *
In one year, will you remember what you did today? *
Unbelievable. You <survey participant name here> must be the pride of <survey participant hometown here>. Only 153 questions left! *
Do you prefer dogs or cats? *
Your friend is ten minutes late for a date. You are... *
How do you feel about your name? *
Which do you want to know more? *
Have you ever been to a foreign country? *
Which do you like the least? *
Do you have siblings? *
Can you see lots of stars from your house? *
Do you recall what you ate for dinner two days ago? *
Do you have dreams for the future? *
Which are you better at? *
Do you wear glasses? *
How many hours do you sleep at night? *
Are you right-handed or left-handed? *
Do you believe in fortune-telling? *
If you had a time machine, where would you go? *
How many people do you live with? *
Have you ever flown on an airplane? *
Do you have a pet? *
Do you have a cell/mobile phone? *
Do you want to live in a foreign country? *
If I received a gift of money, I would... *
Do you read books often? *
Have you ever seen a UFO? *
Are you particular about clothing? *
Do you know the birthdays of all of your family members? *
Are there certain foods you hate? *
Are you doing anything to counter global warming? *
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? *
Do you have plants? *
At mealtime, which are you more particular about? *
Do you like having your photo taken? *
Have you ever been swimming in the ocean? *
Do you like horror movies? *
Do you take a vitamin supplement every day? *
Can you speak more than two languages? *
How many hours a day do you watch TV? *
Have you eaten at a restaurant in the past week? *
I tend to be . . . *
You live in a . . . *
I take my shoes off when I first enter my home. *
Have you had sushi before? *
Which do you give priority to? *
I'd rather . . . *
Do you volunteer? *
Are you good at playing a musical instrument? *
How many meals do you eat a day? *
I am relatively . . . *
Do you often read comic books? *
Do you wash your hair every day? *
When I've gone out recently, I've worn . . . *
Which one do you like more? *
Do you think you are stingy? *
At the end of a movie, do you watch the title credits to the end? *
Which snack do you prefer? *
Which kind of food do you prefer? *
Have you been to a cafe/coffee shop in the past month? *
Have you cried during a movie? *
Can you name five insular countries (not connected to the big continents)? *
Do you eat a snack every day? *
On my day off, I prefer to . . . *
Which would you choose to have? *
Have you climbed a tree before? *
Can you see a mountain from your house? *
Have you gone skiing? *
Do you wash your hands when you come home? *
Do you use the internet every day? *
Do you talk to your neighbors regularly? *
Do you see yourself as being superstitious? *
Do you see yourself as more of... *
Which activity would you prefer to do? *
Which water do you usually drink? *
Have you ever been fishing? *
Which one do you prefer? *
Do you know someone with the same first name? *
Which are you better at? *
Have you ever been camping? *
Do you usually wear a hat? *
Has your hair style changed in the last year? *
What time do you usually wake up in the morning? *
How often do you wear jeans? *
When you go out, do you wear a watch? *
Have you eaten ice cream in the past month? *
Have you ever been on a large ship before? *
If there were no more TV in this world . . . *
Have you ever owned a dog? *
The room you sleep in and the room you eat in are . . . *
I consider myself . . . *
Which day do you prefer? *
Which trip souvenir would you prefer to receive? *
Do you have any striped clothing? *
Have you been to the movies during the past month? *
If you could have a wish come true . . . *
Have you eaten spaghetti during the past week? *
I drink it every day *
Did you say good morning to someone today? *
Are you confident with wearing the latest styles? *
Do you often go to a swimming pool or sports gym? *
Which do you use more often? *
Do you nap once or more a week? *
Rainy days... *
Have you ever swum in a river? *
I prefer films that make me... *
In the past year, have you been to the library? *
Which musical artists do you listen to more? *
If a digital clock display shows 12:34, this makes me feel... *
When putting on shoes, the foot I start with is... *
You are most often called by your... *
Do you carry tissues with you all the time? *
Have you ever been to the circus? *
Which sound do you prefer? *
Have you taken trips that were two nights or more this year? *
Are you taking lessons for anything? *
Have you ever played billiards? *
Do you have a video camera? *
I talk to myself... *
What makes you feel better? Kindness... *
I have a way to stop the hiccups. *
Do you know the rules of chess? *
Do you eat canned food? *
Do you want to become a company president? *
Arriving at a set meeting time, I'm usually... *
20 or more consecutive push ups are... *
Can you say what comes after "3.14" for pi? *
Do you have any swim wear? *
Have you ever seen the Milky Way? *
Have you ever eaten vegetables you grew yourself? *
Did you give anyone a birthday present this year? *
Do you listen to the radio at least once a month? *
I have a device that can play video tapes at home. *
Did you eat fruit yesterday? *
Have you ever worn eau de toilette? *
On my birthday, I would prefer to receive a... *
Did you barbeque in the past year? *
You room or desk is... *
Speaking in front of a large group of people is... *
I think I'm more... *
Do you take a train at least once a week? *
Do you like drawing pictures? *
Are you an impulse shopper? *
If you bought a car, which color would you prefer? *
Which do you prefer? *
Are you good at keeping secrets? *
Do you want to try skydiving? *
Which type do you want to be considered? *
When you sleep, your room is... *
Clear form
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