Diploma in Creative Application of the Five Elements
Please register your interest below and I'll get back to you
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First name and surname *
Your email *
Phone number *
The town and county in the UK where you live. *
While an online version of the Dip CAFE will be developed in future, you'll need to travel to the training venue for a weekend once a month for four months to do one of the courses referred to by this form.
What is your professional background? *
If you selected 'Other', please describe your professional background.
How long have you been in practice? *
Which cohort are you interested in? *
Please describe what interests and motivates you about completing the Dip CAFE. *
Feel free to write a lot (deep diving in why you want to do the course), a little (super-concise also works) or anywhere in between these two poles that feels right for you.
Please use this optional space to list any questions or make me aware of anything that's important for you.
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