TEC Baby Dedication Registration Form
Congratulations on the addition to your family.

Please note that baby dedication now takes place at our physical services on Sundays. It holds every first Sunday of the month during the last service of the day (3rd Service for Lekki, Maryland and Greater Lekki. 2nd Service for Ikorodu).

Please contact the pastors at your expression or call 0700 353 8283 for more information.

Thank you.
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Surname *
Father's Name *
Mother's Name *
Father's Phone Number *
Mother's Phone Number *
Email Address *
Number of Babies *
Baby's Date of Birth *
Baby's Name (1) *
Meaning of Name (1) *
Baby's Name (2)
Meaning of Name (2)
Baby's Name (3)
Meaning of Name (3)
Baby's Gender *
TEC Expression *
What month will you like to have your baby dedication? *
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